
Why is it 'kewl' to adopt a foreign child when there are so many American ones available?

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Why didn't the McCains adopt a child from the U.S. instead of getting one from Bangladesh?





  1. Because in America you're more likely to have someone show up on your doorstep and fight for custody of the baby.  When you adopt from other countries, you have the security of knowing that if there IS someone contesting for custody of the child, they're on another continent, not to mention International Adoption Laws that make it so that they're less likely to get the child back.

    Unlike in America where the father who spent all of 30 minutes with the woman and never saw her again would be able to contend her choice of giving the baby up for adoption and it would take years upon years before the baby would be able to be fully adopted, years that the child would need to spend in foster homes.

    So I'd imagine they did it for the same reason many other Americans do.  For the fact that it's EASIER to adopt a child from another country than to deal with American Social Services.

  2. Because in the US... there is too much red tape and it is too expensive... it is generally easier to adopt from a foreign country than it is to adopt here...

  3. Many of the babies up for adoption in the US from the state are from family services. They often either have medical or learning disabilities or they are toddlers from broken homes and have social or emotional issues. While many of the babies up for private adoption come from agencies with VERY strict criteria, including criteria on religion and the amount of time that a parent can spend with their child.

    It's often faster and easier for a wealthy couple to go abroad. They have fewer questions to answer, and there are fewer checks and balances. They hand over their money and they get a child, no fuss, no nothing. There is also less chance of the birth mother turning up 5 years later and claiming that they were pressured into giving up their child, or claiming that the state forced them to do it against their will.

    Many parents also feel that they are rescuing a child from poverty by adopting them from oversea.

  4. It's cheaper.

    Honestly, it is.

    It's not the waiting period--you could know a woman who wanted to give up her baby. It's the price and the legal tangle and the chance of her wanting the kid back someday.

  5. The McCain's didn't really intend to adopt any child. Cindy McCain is a philanthropist and had visited mother Theresa's orphanage. They showed her two girls with major medical needs. She took one home and found a family to adopt the other.

    She didn't adopt the child because they couldn't have any, or had some personal  ego ride. She adopted the child because without her she would have died without care. Gladly welcoming her into their family.

  6. There aren't many American babies available. There is a 10 year waiting period for a healthy baby. Too many people choose to have an abortion.

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