
Why is it GhostHunters usually dont investigate with their equipment during the day ?

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I've seen those shows and they only look for ghosts in the dark... and then I saw one paranormal website who had to cancel an investigation due to rain outside.

Does that mean we are safe if the lights stay on...

See ...people think you are weird if youre scared of dark.. .hahahaa.. I kill me !!




  1. It makes for better TV if they do it at night. It looks scary even when they don't find anything.

  2. No spirits are around us all the time. At night between the hours of 1 - 5 Am are when they are most active. It is also easier for us to see them in the dark.

  3. Spirits rest during the day , also it is harder to pick them up because of normal everyday radio waves and such that are more frequent during the day as compared to night time.The rain has magnatic currents in it that also mess with the equipment used to "hunt" ghosts.

  4. The senses are more attuned at night and most activity seems to occur then as well.  Things that happen during the day are easily missed.  The noise generated by the rain would drown out things they might otherwise have picked up.

  5. it adds an element of spookiness to it, that's the only reason.

  6. Those shows are the lowest of the lowest, it's like the swat team trying to bust the ghosts, gimme a break, it sucks!

  7. The three peak times durin which transitions from etheral states to terrafrimal states is easiest is twilight (the magic hour), midnight (the witching hour) and 3am (the hour of final darkness).

    As for rain, running water, any showing of the elements reasserts the authority of the natural over the supernatural - as well, running water grounds spiritual activity that is of a maelovelent nature.

    Furthermore, sunlight has a power to it in that there are usually more people awake and less unconscious and dreaming, creating bridges and links between the physical and the ephirmal.

    That is the answer number one, and from the point of view of someone who takes such metaphysics and pseudoscience seriously.


    Answer number two is that most of those shows are full of c**p.


    Answer number two is probably closer to the truth.

  8. that is because that whole show is a sham

    its just the like all the ufo hunting shows

    its all set up and none of it is real

  9. Better TV ratings.

  10. I have investigated locations in the light of day.  But it works out for me and most others that we have day jobs so it is hard to always be available during the day.

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