
Why is it I have yet to see a bicyclist stop at a stop sign or obey traffic laws when riding in the streets?

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I see bicyclists everyday blow thru stop signs, go thru red lights when they have the chance and not using hand signals on the raods. If you want to ride on the strrets you should have to obey the same laws as a car on that same road.




  1. That style of riding is not only dangerous, its also illegal. I'll be the first to admit that I rarely come to a complete stop at a stop sign on my bike, but I atleast slowdown and wave drivers to go through ahead of me. If you're concerned about hitting a cyclist because this routinely happens at a particular intersection, notify your local police of the issue and if no action is taken, notify your city councilman. Drivers on the road should not have to be afraid of hitting and killing a cyclist because the cyclist could not follow the law.

  2. why is it I never see motorists stop at the stop line? often times nearly missing me, even though I have right of way! why is it motorists roll right over crosswalks, without looking for pedestrians? is it because the world revolves around you? or are you, also, ignorant to the rules of the road? or both?

  3. Because the road laws are designed for motor vehicles and should not apply to cyclists.  A cyclist can see that nothing is coming at traffic lights or a stop sign when someone in a motor vehicle cannot.  Why should we obey the same laws?

  4. Depending upon the state, bikers are viewed as pedestrians.  In Florida, upon accidents, motorcyles are also considered to be pedestrians.  Whether bikers know this or not most of the bikers just think that they are going slow enough to stop if a car is comming.

    My brother in law was ticketed for an accident he caused while riding a bicycle in New York City.

  5. Hughes your common sense my good man!  Why do drivers deliberately drive bikers off the road?

  6. Because when you stop at the lights and the signs you lose your momentum. Its too much work to stop. Also people ignore all kinds of laws, jaywalking etc. It's just what people do.

  7. The main reason is this: skilled cyclists know we don't drive our bikes the same route you'd drive a car. Think off roads, side streets, parallel roads .... leave the crowded streets to the cars.

    So you're not seeing me and other skilled bike riders. We're on routes you are NOT.

    That being said sure, some cyclists don't obey the rules, some drivers don't and pedestrians? OMG.

    People there are more new riders out there, let's all obey the rules of the road and we'll all get there.

  8. Cyclist should follow all laws.  Having said that, if you've ever ridden a bike hard for a long distance (you sound anti-cyclist, so I find it unlikely that you have, but I may be wrong) you would know that its nice, if the intersection is clear, to keep going and not have to downshift, unclip, and so on.  People should not do this, but when you are tired, sometimes your judgment can be flawed.  A few other things to consider: some cyclists get fed up with idiot drivers and like to spend the least amount of time on the road as passable, and many lights use weight/magnetic sensors that bikes do not trigger.  I would also like to say that I try to stop at signs, and I always stop at lights, unless they are ones that use the for-mentioned sensors.  Also on every organized ride that I've ever been on, I have yet to see a cyclist ride through a red light or stop sign, that didn't have a cop directing traffic.  Also to address your comment about the non-use of hand signals: I know that everyone I know who rides road uses them WHEN POSSIBLE.  Most road bikes have brakes that don't have great stopping power, so often times you need to use both brakes.  Also when you brake your weight shifts forward, which makes you drift into the lane of traffic.  Also, I see very few cars using signals. . .  Cyclists should follow all traffic laws, but before you pass judgment, go get some real world experience.

  9. Probably the same reason that I see 10 out of 10 automobile drivers changing lanes or turning without signaling -- we all fall short of your apparent perfection.

    I'm certain you, however, always signal, never speed, etc.  It must be lonely being so wonderful.

  10. My guess would be you don't see them stopping for one of only two reasons.

    Either there are no cyclists in your area, or you're driving with your eyes closed.

    Yes, certain individuals feel that they are "above the law"; there's some in every crowd ... like the driver who fails to yield right-of-way, does not stop at a stop sign AND and the stop line WITHOUT entering the crosswalk, does not adequately signal his/her intent (including stopping), does not keep the vehicle in complete repair, uses a phone or other implement while driving (thereby not keeping both hands on the wheel at all times), having stereos too loud to hear traffic around them, etc.

    On the bad side, there's also cyclists and pedestrians who s***w up occasionally.

  11. ... and I see auto drivers every day blowing through crosswalks, ignoring speed limits, rolling through stop-signs, cutting each other off, driving the wrong way on a one way, illegally turning, exhibiting contests of speed and reckless behavior, tailgating, drinking alcohol and sitting in traffic idling every day.  What's your point?

    Also it's amazing to me how many drivers actually see cyclists doing all these horrible things considering most drivers are busy on their cell phones, eating lunch or reading the newspaper while driving.

    Gee... maybe cyclists should start multi-tasking like that?

    It's not a bike thing - breaking the laws of the road is an individual thing.  You can't single out bikes because "your group" is just as guilty if not more so.

    Please everyone just be safe out there, be respectful and patient and let's all just get home in one piece, OK?

  12. because they are 2 g*y to hrlp out cyclers they think it would be funny to do that. Ive asked them why and that is exactly what they told me .EWW that was mean

  13. The laws for bikes are a bit different, though not for stop lights. Hand signals are more for etiquette than legal purposes. Stop signs, though they really ought to be observed, are often just gone through by cyclists because, since the speed is significantly lower than that of a car, they can see the cross traffic clearly.

    However, I do agree that all of the laws should be obeyed.

  14. their suits are to tight

  15. I guess for the same reason all drivers break the speed limit I guess. Right?

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