
Why is it Illegal?????????

by Guest59508  |  earlier

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Can someone give me an answer ( and make it good ) as to why weed is illegal!!! I mean is it because people think it is addictive ( even tho it isn't) because if that's why then why isn't alcohol illegal I mean try to convince an alcoholic that beer isn't addictive! LMAO.... or is it because it kills brain cells? because last time i checked alcohol did that also.... or MAYBE its because smoke leads to lung cancer... WELL THEN BAN CIGARETTES ALSO YOU P.O.S. law makers.. hmm lets think of some other reasons.... maybe its because weed is looked at as a "gateway drug" HAHAHA thats the biggest BULL SH** i have ever heard in my life I have tons of friends that stick to weed and weed only if someone smokes weed and then decides to try something else later thats all their decision weed didnt make them do that! I mean really there is no reason that weed should be illegal but alcohol isnt. Being high ( off of weed ) has 3 side effects HUNGRY, SLEEPY, HAPPY ( thanks katt williams lol )!!! you hear of drunks beating their wives and sh** every day I guarantee you have never heard of a high person beating someone maybe some1 that gets high but I know he didnt do it while he was high because he would care enough about what the other person did enoght to beat him up. =]





  1. Good question! It's like not wearing a seat belt is illegal, but if a person dies and they're not wearing a seat belt, that's in the news. But if someone dies while wearing a seat belt, do we hear about that? Suppose they went into the water and the seat belt trapped them in. We won't hear about that. Or the car catches on fire and blows up. We wouldn't heat about that, but if a person goes through the windshield and wasn't wearing the belt...that'll be rubbed in.

  2. Yes that is just what our country needs, another vice which will bring down our health and IQ.  

  3. i dont know actually but im drug free

  4. you sound high right now

  5. it distords mental health  

  6. Because the government makes money on criminals who get put in private prisons. In some states it is legal if you have a medical card which allows you to buy and grow but not sell.  

  7. Calm down, you obviously have been smoking too much weed.  It is obvious by your aggression and paranoia.  

  8. This is a long debated subject. My opinion aside, the powers that be feel it's bad for you. I think if cigarettes and alcohol were invented today, they would never make it to the store shelves. Personally I like a few beers once a week and might have even "smoked" a little. Though it is illegal I don't necessarily feel pot is immoral. There are many worse vices a person can have.

  9. Wow I didn't know what the heck you were talking about until you were halfway through your rant, but yeah I agree that weed should be legalized.  Legalized, and TAXED.  Think of all the extra money the government would have!

    PS Prostitution should be legalized too.

  10. Because the government makes alot of money off weed being illegal, but if it were legal everyone would just grow there own because its so easy and they would make no money. It also stimulates the economy.

    The govt. makes so much money off weed. In fact when I was recently locked up my bail was set at 5K just for a weed offense, I had to pay it, than court costs, than I had to pay the police to get my car back ($400).

    This was just for pocession. If your selling an they catch you there gonna sell everything from your house to the d**n shoes an socks your wearing when they got you.

  11. it's because of the demographics it has become associated with

  12. because weed grows practically everywhere,anybody could easily grow it. the government wouldn't make any profit off it , so why would they bother legalizing it ?

  13. because  I don't know

  14. your not you when our drink... or your an ugly side of you.

    thats why you cant drink till your 21 maybe on your own

    weed is disgusting and the fact your defending it most likely means your on or where on it and got caught and you were punished

    three words

    suck it up.

  15. To maintain a high standard of citizens in our country, instead of having a nation of potheads, who should start their own island someplace, using a flag with a weed emblem on it.

  16. Weed is Illegal because it is pretty much suicide when you take it, every time you take drugs or drink too much or smoke you are slowly killing your body every cigarette you smoke takes 20 minutes of your life, if that's so, imagine how many minutes or hours weed takes away from you, and it might not seem much, but when you get hooked, it is. Oh and weed is addictive if it wasn't we wouldn't have all of these people in the world who are taking it today. Okay, yes that's very true but that is called violence something that happens when you can't really control it, what you are doing is called taking drugs something that happens because your doing it, drugs do mess you up and I don't care how high your whatever thing is, doing drugs is wrong, and just because you think it's right doesn't mean you are. So you are obviously retarted, hmm.... it must be from all that weed you take, so I think you better smarten up.

  17. you think weed does not kill brain cells, you are wrong sorry for you

  18. I doubt the legality has kept it out of YOUR hands... quit your b!tchin'

  19. cuz the po- Po's think it impares ur vison man. Like being drunk or somethin man

  20. Most of our law makers used more than their fair share of pot when they were younger.  Perhaps they remember how irresponsible it made them.  Baracka is a big fan of pot having been a pot head for ears.  Maybe he will legalize it.

  21. because at one point in time someone entered a bill into congress requesting that weed be illegal. They took the bill saw weed as a mind altering substance and also took evidence that it caused some horrible incident somewhere and passed the law outlawing it

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