
Why is it OK for Barry's mom to have been pregnant at 16 but not Palin's Daughter at 17?

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Double standard anyone?

And to those that can't do simple math, the Downs Syndrome kid can't possibly be the daughters. The baby is 4 months old and she is 7 months pregnant. You can't get pregnant while carrying another child.




  1. Apparently to Obama supporters it is.

  2. This is the daughter's second baby...the first was her "brother." These people are weird. Here's the story of how Sarah covered up for her daughter's first pregnancy (with the Down's Syndrome baby) and then gets stuck with a second pregnancy almost immediately, (If she is pregnant at all at this time?)

  3. Yet another example of women's bodies being public property. Get off it. Let's talk about humans dying in war and of diseases and starvation in this country not humans being born.

  4. He was born that way, he didn't choose that, Palin's daughter CHOSE that. Her mother has been on record as wanting kids to have abstinence education instead of safe s*x-well look at what she has on her hands now. It is a bad reflection on Palin and a bad judgement on McCain, that's the difference.

  5. exactly!

  6. Actually this story has done the opposite of what the Liberals had expected. Many people and organizations are standing behind her and supporting her. Looks like the Libs shot themselves in the foot again

  7. Thank you!

    Finally someone with some common sense!

  8. so true!

  9. They don't care, they are just trying to act holier than thou!!! Aren't they supposed to be the liberal party? what a bunch of hypocrites!! That's okay, they are doing more harm than good to their party!!!

  10. Yep. Excellent.

  11. Barry is one big double standard after another. They are blasting Palin for the actions of her daughter. This is unfair and not appropriate.

    At least they are not sucking the baby down a sink like Barry said he would if his daughter got pregnant!

  12. Obama's mom wasn't hoping to control other people's bodies, pregnancies, and reproduction.

    Do your own math.  If Obama was born when his mom was 18, she wasn't pregnant with him at age 16.

    Then do some reading.  Palin claims that her daughter is 5 months pregnant, not 7.

  13. *sarcasm on*  

    Because Obama's conception was immaculate.

    *sarcasm off*

  14. I don't think it matters at all how old Palin's daughter was.

    I think this country spends too much time analyzing trivial little anecdotes like this instead of how these people will effect our lives, the country, and the world if elected.

    Enough with the petty details, i want to know what she's about, what she stands for and how that effects me.

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