
Why is it OK to attack Bristol Palin, but you can't mention Rev. Wright?

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Bristol isn't running for President, isn't that the excuse Obama groupies use about Rev. Wright?




  1. You have mentioned REV.WRIGHT, LOL.

  2. In the eyes of a liberal, the answer is yes.  The sad part is that Obama maintained a relationship with that race baiting hate monger for more years than Bristol Palin has been on the earth.

  3. I notice that you seemed to find a way to mention both.

  4. Seems to me, a lot of folks DID attack Rev. Wright.  In fact, it went on so long, I got a durn headache.

    What dreamland do you come from?

  5. Because OPRAH commands it!

  6. Your dragging a young girls name in the dirt, shame on the Republicans

  7. Because of the n**i leftist piece of s**+/t Obamiltes in the media. Obamalujah!

  8. Excuse me?  Rev. Wright was constantly on the news so obviously it was ok to mention it.  I couldn't turn on the television without hearing about it.  Please don't try to make it look like Palin is getting unfairly attacked when its just the same as the Republican attacks.

  9. Rev wright was on the news for weeks. Where have you been?

  10. don't you think Palin should be home taking care of her kids...?  maybe if she was, her 17 yr old daughter wouldn't be pregnant...  now she has a downs baby, and wants to take on vp?  i think in her case, the responsible thing would be to turn the vp gig down and go home to her children....

  11. One word: Hypocrisy.

  12. Because Sarah Palin threatens the messiah and when the chosen messiah is threatened the politics of personal destruction are acceptable against its opposition.

  13. The media raked Obama over the coals now it is old girls turn.

  14. b/c teh media is dominated by liberals...

  15. It's simple.  All liberal news networks are in the Obama camp.

    So much for 'journalism'.

  16. Its not o.k. to attack Bristol Palin to his credit as a gentleman and a scholar Obama forbids any of his people from doing so.

  17. Rev Wright isn't a heartbeat from the Presidency.

  18. Did someone NOT mention Rev Wright?

    Smears, lies, dragging through the mud?

    Bristol did what she did, thats no lie.

    No smear, as far as dragging throught the mud?

    Who would have known or cared, if her momma hadn't accepted the nomination to be VP?

  19. Obama siad in 20 years he did not hear any thing wrong with Rev. Wright aand his supports belive him I AM A Dem but will not vore for Obama

  20. It is not OK to attack a 17 year old pregnant girl.  She didn't asked to be thrusted in the spot light.  Rev. Wright caused his own problems with his big mouth.  Obama even said the families, especially the children are off limits!  Attack her mother if you want, but leave the girl alone.

  21. hypocracy...because Obama has the press in his pocket.  They want him to be President, so for McCain it is a fight all the way.  I believe he will prevail and beat Obama....

  22. easy, because it is not fair to look at a candidates 20 year mentor, and it is just fun to talk liberal s**t, lies and smack about a 17-year-old girl who is the daughter of a candidate.  

  23. Obama told the media and everybody to leave Palin's daughter alone. So, don't blame Obama for this; blame the media.

  24. Uhhh, they did mention Reverend Wright. In case you didn't notice, that story is SOOO over. You guys harped on it for decades! And you still are! So, really, the question is why can you attack Reverend Wright but you can't talk about Bristol Palin?

  25. the actions of a child are not the responsibility of the parent. the fact that Barry attended that church for 20 years shows a lack of judgment. You are talking apples and oranges, dude!

  26. Since when have people been *attacking* Palin's daughter? Making a joke out of it I can see, but not I don't see the rampant smear campaign....unless ye conservatives recognize it as a weakness LOL and are overreacting, thinking we'll jump on it.

    No one cares about Wright. It didn't lose Obama the primaries.

  27. THE DIFFERENCE IS BLACK AND WHITE YOU SEE........................................

  28. A spouse of a running mate or candidate is ok if that person is campaigning for their spouse but if they are on the side lines then no & the Children should be keep out of it completely esp if they are minors (under 18)

  29. Obama has had a free ride in the main stream media!

    It is no doubt that the main stream media is pushing Obama on everybody.

    Sarah Palin's daughter should be kept out of politics.

    Palin's husband got his dui 22 years ago, it shouldn't even be in the news. If it is, then Obama's cocaine usage should come out!

  30. Actually it isn't ok for anyone to attack Bristol.

    No one said it was.

    Rev. Wright isn't worth attacking anyway, just like Bristol.

    Besides, it's not like anyone who didn't like Obama showed ANY restraint when Rev. Wright was on the radar.

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