
Why is it Okay to Slaughter Chickens but not Okay to Slaughter Cats?

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In this country farmers raise chickens for slaughter all the time.. so why was there so much outcry when it was discovered that my family had a "cat farm"? What is the difference between these animals?




  1. Because most people keep cats as pets and not food, where as chickens have always been raised and kept for food, either the chicken itself or the egg.

  2. Chickens are food animals. Cats are not.

  3. I'd never let a chicken curl up on my feet while I sleep.

  4. So back in the day people just went "ooh Chicken, thats food, Cow is food, Pig is food, Cat...NO MY CAT!" if Cats have a soul than Chickens would and should have a soul too, it shouldn't be ok to eat a Chicken and someone look bad at someone who eats a Cat.

    As for everyone here eating Cats,my guess is no one has tasted a cat here, but then again I don't know any of these people lol

    I'm vegetarian so maybe that would explain my answer or not, its just how I see it

  5. It is a factor of the American culture.  Some animals are not food animals regardless of what they are in another culture.

  6. because in this country cats to us are our pets, not food. pets to us is a companion, friend, buddies, to some people pets are their children! so killing cats is like killing a friend, or a buddie ect.. they have a soul to ya know

  7. Chickens are only "food animals" because people made them that way. I have a pet chicken and she is smarter and more well behaved than my dog!

    In my eyes there are no differences.

  8. Are you guys eating the cats!!!  Gross!!!!  Cats are to keep as human companionship not a food source.  I wish P.E.T.A. knew about you guys I'm sure they could show you why it's WRONG!!!!!!



  9. Chickens are ment to be eaten after they are killed.  If the cat is killed, It's jut plain murder because cats are not ment to be eaten.

    Personally, I feel its not right to slaughter anything.

    Maybe just kill in a humane way.

  10. Cats are considered domesticated animals, much more so than chickens.

    Hey Wonderwoman, have you ever tasted cat?  how would you know it is gross?  For all you know it could be that most tasty meat you have ever had.  Don't be so condescending.  Some countries are poor and have to eat whatever they can to survive.  Ignorant people like you are the reason why so many countries hate Americans.

  11. It's a cultural thing.  Cats are considered companion animals here.

  12. peta

  13. You people answering (some of you) have serious problems. Just because one person considers a cat a companion doesn't mean a chicken doesn't have life or a want to live either. If your answer is that chickens are stupid, then is intelligence a reason for one animal to live over another?

    The answer is really simple: People are inherently prejudiced. Many people believe cats are better than chickens for nonsense reasons when in reality they are animals, period.  

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