
Why is it SO common to miscarry the baby during a woman's first pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I actually know the reason but I need details and it's medical explanation.




  1. Its not any more common in the first pregnancy than the fifth.  In any given pregnany there will be between a 1 in 3 to 1 in 5 (depending on which doctor you ask) chance of miscarrying.  The doctor who did my d&c for my miscarriage (second pregnancy) told me that for every two live babies a woman will have she'll have a miscarriage also.

    She said I wouldn't be at any higher risk for a miscarriage for my third pregnancy.  (But she did offer me a early ultrasound to check out the baby third time around)

  2. im not so sure it is to be honest. I did loose my first tho:( but hv two others at home and healthy:)

  3. It's not SO common it happens 25% of the time and most women have a higher chance of miscarriage when they have other medical conditions like I have PCOS I miscarried 3 time but none of them were the 1st I miscarried my 2,3 and 4th pregnancies. I had healthy pregnancy with #1 and #5 and I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant now.There is not always a medical explanation for my 25% of ALL pregnancies end in miscarriage. Most women have a higher chance of having a healthy pregnancy than they do of having a miscarriage and 80% of women who suffer a miscarriage will go on to have a healthy pregnancy.  

  4. I have heard that 25 % of all pregnancies end in misscarriage and more because a lot of women never know they are even pregnant.  I'm on my second pregnancy and I've never misscarried that I know of.  I only know two people that have misscarried and one was my Mom and the other is my 1/2 sister.

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