
Why is it SO hard to clean my room? Does my A.D.D. have anything to do wth it?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i would start up some music to get me going, then id lay down for a while then id get up and work a little then i start working alot AND SOMEHOW IM ON THE COMPUTER NOW WITH A ROOM THATS HALF DONE!! what should I do? i have to have my room clean for tomorrow to go to drama and a footballgame and my friends house.. any tips on how to keep me focused on ROOM cleaning NOTHING ELSE!??




  1. Don't overwhelm yourself by focusing on the ENTIRE room.  Set smaller goals for yourself.  Tell yourself:  'Okay, I'll clean off all the surfaces, then I'll get on the computer for half an hour.' Then set a timer and afterwards set a different small goal with another reward.

    Hope that helps some.

  2. the best  thing to do, is clean a little bit in intervals.

    the same thing happens to me, and i end up with clothes

    on the floor and my bed unmade, yet i'm lounging around with my guitar looking at my mess. just try to pick up a little bit, and take a break, and pick up a little more then take a break.

  3. Well, I'm not sure if this will work for you, but here's what I do that's always worked for me for some crazy reason:

    When a task really needs to get done, I teach myself tough love, which means I impose a punishment on myself if I don't meet the deadline and get it done.  For example, if I set a deadline for myself to get a huge task (such as a complex art project or a painting) done in 48 hours, and it takes longer than that, then I take away my dessert eating priviledges for a week.  This type of attitude motivates me to work harder, to keep cranking at it, sometimes pulling all-nighters.  Basically, whenever I'm presented with an assignment, I work on it non stop, if I don't have to be at my job or anywhere else, until it gets done.  I don't stop or take any breaks cause breaks are overrated!  Whenever I finally get done, I'm exhausted and have a terrible headache, but it feels sooo good to get it out of the way.  So if I was in your place, I'd keep cleaning that room and work non-stop.  Good luck to you.

  4. Treat your tim eon the computer as your reward for having finished cleaning your room.  Dont stop until you have cleaned all of your room.

  5. When you play music, put the volume on low. Turn off your computer and unplug it so it won't temp you. Just get the cleaning over and done with.

    ADD does cause you to procrastinate and you get easily distracted. Get rid of anything that will distract you.

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