
Why is it Y!A can't fix the link to the Blog to the correct address?

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Seems to me, it's pretty inefficient web design. The "We're taking a coffee break" message provides a link to the Blog for more informaiton. We get there and it says "Yahoo! Answers blog doesn’t live here anymore". The same thing when we click on the "Blog" link at the top of the page. It's been a few months. I would think it's past time to have the link to the Blog actually be correct.




  1. I agree with you 100 percent friend!

    It seems to me I read an article a few months back that when they did all the layoffs at yahoo and cutbacks the answers team lost a lot of its members and that could be the reason for this kind of stuff..

    Yahoo is really on the edge here with most everyone I know in the handling of this site. I have no more information to give except to give you the 360 product blog link and let you read that  information there.. it is all any of us have to go on.

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