
Why is it a big deal that when a female is on her period she can't do this or that?

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I don't understand why a female can't even touch the quran when she's menstruating.




  1. Patriacharal ideals.

    Before there was medical knowledge of what a period really was, men considered women to be evil, and unclean during her period.  They just could not grasp that something could bleed for 7 days, not die, and not be evil.  I know its a common joke today, but that was what they really thought.  That is also the source of the feeling that women should be pregnant all the time.  If they are not bleeding like that, then they are not evil.  The only time they dont bleed is when they are preg.  And then after they give birth they bleed more than ever.  That must be all the evil since she is no longer preg.  Better get her preg again so she doesnt experience all that evilness.

  2. If men had periods the world would be completly different. For a start we'd all have 1 week off work a month.

    Sexism is almost globally universal, many issues about women being "unclean" when she has her period are due to women's oppression, men use it to maintain their power.

  3. Wow I didn't know that.  How insulting.  Rightly or wrongly I find that really upsetting. unclean? It's not something women choose to have for goodness sake.........  

  4. your a girl, muslims won't let you do anything, and why would you want to touch the quran???

  5. It is because you cannot perform wudu on your periods.

    What a bunch of ignorant answers.

  6. some women suffer worse tha others with this.some have terrible pains,others feel extremly sick and others just want to cry all the affects us all differently and we may or may not want to do something because of this!

  7. Its probably an ancient point of view. The woman is probably seen as un-clean or some kind of stupidness like that.

  8. It all harkens back to the concept of being "unclean".

    In the old days, you were unclean if you were sick.  Men, who were in control, didn't know diddly about menstrual periods, so they were lumped in with sickness.

    "Unclean" was the forerunner of a primitive quarantine system in most early cultures, and the prohibition against touching things that would be touched by many other people was a primitive attempt to limit the spread of contagion.

    It exists in the Bible and Torah as well as in most aboriginal religions, in one way or another.

    The problem is, of course, that the religions haven't updated themselves now that we know better.

  9. It is so..

    temprarily she is considered in a state which is not clean. What exactly you feel wrong about it?

  10. It stems from the misguided notion that menstruating is evil and unclean.

  11. Touch the what?

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