
Why is it a big deal when I want to get away from everyone for one day?

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I have an 11yr old. All during the week I work, come home, barely get any sleep, run errands and do stuff for everyone else all the time. When people need stuff they call me. My sister has 2 children. 1 is 14 the other 8 months. She works. She as well as her daughter, my mother and my daughter ask me to do stuff all the time. I get tired and i say this but its like i am not capable of being tired. My job as well as what i want to do is not important as everyone else's needs. When my sister gets mad she will leave for days and no one says anything. If i just want to spend a night with my boyfriend who is 15mins across town i get a million phone calls. when r u coming back. Hurry up. I need to go to the store. we are hungry. There is food in the fridge. All my mom has to do is put it in the oven. She will cook for herself but not really for the kids. I need my moms help because I work 2am to 9am and she sends my daughter to school. Sometimes she oversleeps and my daughter misses school. My mom is lazy but she is all i got. I decided to have a child but i am so tired. I think i do way more for everyone else than they do for me. In any situation that is always the case. I am so tired of my life that it is crazy and i cant do anything to change it. I am so stressed. My kids father is a looser. The only way he helps financially is when he is behind in child support and goes to jail. He uses his bond to pay the support to get out of jail. I just don't know what to do. I am going insane. My head hurts all the time from it. And if I tell all these people to leave me alone then i will lose the help i need with my daughter. I am crying right now. Am i being selfish. I find myself saying that i hate my life. Am i just being a baby right now? I don't know. I just know that i am tired and i am loosing my mind. HELP ME PLEASE ANYONE!!!!




  1. I think you aren't being unreasonable. But this is your life now. I guess you just need to cook for your children before you leave to your boyfriend's house. Your sister sounds like a user, just say no. Even if she gets mad, keep saying "no". Eventually, she'll get used to you saying no and will deal with it because she knows she needs you too. You need to learn not to care that much about people's feelings (other than your children but if they are bratty, teach them accordingly). Plus, your kid is 11 years old, she should know how to do some house chores and know how to put food in the oven, its not that hard.. I did it when I was 11 years old too.

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