
Why is it a law that people are required to wear a seat belt?

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Why is it a law that people are required to wear a seat belt?




  1. So you don't risk losing ure life in a crash...DUH

  2. so people dont get thrown from their cars when they crash

  3. it saves more lives,and plus its a good way to make money

  4. 1. Its the law.........

    2. If worn properly, seat belts will absorb the force of a crash impact and hold you securely in place and save your life so that you will be able to ask more questions.

  5. Hello:

      Its was all about the money. After the oil embargo of the early 1970's, the US auto industry was forced to downsize its cars, improve mpgs, whatever the costs. But the auto industry had other ideas. They just downsized without regard too safety. Soon people were dying  and getting injured more and the courts were beginning to fill with cases against the auto industry.  So the insurance companies began to raise rates and further calling the auto industry to the carpet. Some foreign auto companies began to experiment with airbags. This was expensive and not going to work with vehicles made in the USA. So it was taken to the lobbyist to make people wear seat belts. Seat belts had been installed into American cars since the mid-1960's but nobody wore them.  But when worn they saved lives. The states that had the US auto industries tied to them, passed the more strigent laws first . That was easy , they owned the legislatures and executive offices anyways. But the rural and southern states resisted. This was a big problem  and the auto industry was being held accountable. So soon the industry found itself spearding itself to southern states and  rural areas of our country.  I remember in Georgia when the law came to the legislatue and ultimately to the Govenors desk. The auto industry, with its lobbyists informed everyone of importance  that if you don't pass these seat belt laws ,and after that enforce them ,we will pull out all of the Automotive industries from your state and we will never build another one. It passed without opposistion. I'm sorry to be so cynical but it wasn't about our safety . It was so the auto industry could make cars Lighter and more MPG effiecent. It was and is always about $$$$ not us.   Good Luck BS

  6. They got tired of pulling people's heads out of windshields after crashes.

  7. Politicians just like to control every aspect of our lives.

    Safetybelts can save your life in certain situations, but they can also kill you in many situations.

  8. because there are heaps of idiots on the road, who have no idea how to drive safely and can not understand the simple context of staying on your side of the road ,also to people have lost the art of Patience

  9. Saves lives, reduces injuries, and allows you more of a chance to stay in control of a car after the accident.  Cars are designed with a safety zone - the better that zone, the less injuries you are likely to suffer. However, the zone is built with the idea that the passenger is restrained.  if you are moving around the car, the zone is far less effective.

    AZ traffic instructor for 5+ years

  10. it isnt on older vehicles anything built without seatbelts doesnt need em... but yeah it saes lifes im gunna put a 5 point racing harness in my 78 aspen just for safety and it looks cooler

  11. Because of physics, it's not terribly difficult to be thrown 10 or 12 feet if a car going 35 or 40 miles an hour crashes. People can smash through the front window or they could go out the side window. So, you could easily die if you don't wear it. If you're thrown from the car and hit your head on cement, you're dead.

  12. It  was a way for the police organization to justify stopping your vehicle and to probe for other violations. Often even people with seat belts are pulled over with the officer claiming he did not see you with it on just as a excuse to pull the vehicle over to do a inspection. Often this happens around bar areas and at night.  It is a good idea for people to wear seat belts but the reason behind it was to allow a closer inspection on vehicles they wished a closer look at.

  13. Well the main reason is that if you allow people to wear or not wear  changes are they will not.  So for there own safety and the safety of others  They make it a law that everyone will

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