
Why is it all about new orleans?

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why is everything about new orleans, don't they care about any one else in the pathe of Gustav?




  1. it is certainly not all about New Orleans, right now that is the path this storm has taken.  

  2. its just they alrady got really hurt now there getting shot at again once they started making progress

  3. Honey we're all worried about every place, but it looks like New Orleans is in the direct path. They're scared the levy might not hold again since it isn't completed. I'm near Galveston, Texas and holding my breath. Let's just PRAY for everyone everywhere.

  4. i can see your point but you mustn't forget the sheer number of people in new orleans who won't be able to get away  

  5. Because the press has deemed it so...........

    Lets face it the media will scrape and gravel to have a major disaster to plaster all over the place...... Even the politicians in New Orleans have covered their behinds and issued statements that " They are not responsible for anyone that stays this times."  

    The rest of the Gulf Coast could be under water and all the media would be camped out in New Orleans  going door to door for  stories.

  6. theyre probably trying to make up for the disastrous results from 'katrina' and according to reports its sposed to be alot worse too. they want America to know that they can be prepared and evacuate in a timely manner since 'Gustav' is head straight to that area first...

  7. Sure, everyone cares, but New Orleans is getting all the media attention right now... and the re-smashing of Chocolate City is the most fascinating aspect of the current mayhem.

    I'm rooting for Gustav to putter out and not hit anything, but as that's unlikely, I'm fascinated to see what happens in Katrina's wake.

  8. because the news networks secretly want New Orleans to be destroyed again so they can have more coverage

  9. There have been coverages of the other areas and the governors of those states affected have already declared disaster areas (before the storm) to speed up the relief process in their states.  The "big deal" about NOLA is that it is not supposed to be there.  It is far below sea level.  It is a "floating city", if you will.  ANYTIME you have an area that is in that situation, you know what the outcome will be and it IS a good topic.  You can look at the socioeconomic aspects, the scientific/ecological aspects, the national economic aspects and many others.  Personally, I cannot believe that all those many many years ago, someone thought it a "good idea" to even create a city like that.  A city of sand and silt vs 140 mph winds and 20 ft. sea surges... who do you think wins?   But, nonetheless, it was built and now, everyone waits to see if will hold ....I have my doubts, for sure.

  10. well its because they got all that flooding last time and I guess that the media is thinking they are to stupid to leave this time again.They where suppose to leave last time and they didn't and then they wined about not having a place to stay and eat.Well they have been warned again we will see if they leave this time.

  11. It's not fair for all the focus to be on New Orleans and in my answers I have pointed out the fact people will get hurt & lose their homes no matter where Gustav goes.

    The media focuses on New Orleans now and before (ex. during Katrina) because the city is known worldwide while even most Americans have no idea where cities like Biloxi and Bay Saint Louis are located.

    Good luck to us all!

  12. It's not like they don't care for other cities, NO is under sea level, it has a weak levee complex and it's directly on the path of a major storm again!

  13. nobody left last time, they all just sat there after being told time and time again to leave, and then they expected the government to pay them for the rest of their lifes for their stupid mistakes....

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