
Why is it all these "open-minded, free" people are so scared of God?

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its so funny to me that all these people who are so againts religion and God are so "open-minded." I would think open minded people are willing to try new things. what would it hurt to try praying for something one time? What would it hurt to get out of your mp3 player and read Matthew in the New Testament? What would it hurt? Are you going to burn up if you touch a bible? Doubtfull. We are all sinners. Try something new. Even if it's not the cool thing to do. You don't have to tell anybody about it. Just give it a shot. The worst that could happen is nothing. Are you scared? Just because you can't see him.




  1. Dude, we're not scared. We just don't believe. There is a difference. I was Catholic when I was younger, but it turns out religion isn't my thing. &No, I'm not going to burn up if I touch a bible. Maybe you should be open minded &think about why Atheist choose to be Atheist.

  2. I spell god with a small g because it is a concept not a noun, and there is your answer.

    I am not actually scared of god because it is only a concept and that would be like being scared of a monster under your bed.

    Have a nice day now.

  3. I was a Christian a long time ago.

    "I would think open minded people are willing to try new things"

    Those aren't new things for me, they are old things I have tried and have done.

    Have you ever really read the bible ? After I read the bible I became an atheist because of it's foolishness and nonsense.

    I am not afraid of God. I do not believe in that deity.

    Why don't you try Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion ? Or worship another god ?

    Most atheists were Christian at some point and their are little of atheists that go back to being a Christian.

    Couple mytholgical things in the bible I remember.

    Did you know there is a talking donkey in the bible?

    Did you know there is text of dragons in the bible?

    Did you know there are giants in the bible? (not the sports team)

    Did you know there are satyrs in the bible?

    Did you know there is a talking burning bush in the bible?

    Did you know there are unicorns in the bible?

    And on your profile, you claim you were an atheist... That makes me think.

  4. How can I be scared of something that doesn't exist?

    Are you scared of unicorns?  The Loch Ness Monster?  Santa?

    Where did you get the idea we think the bible will burn us?  

    I have read the bible, 4 times.  I've also read the Qu'ran and The Vedas...have you?  Why not, they won't burn you, what would it hurt?

    I would not pray, that would be lying.  Lying goes against my morals and principles.  Maybe lying about your beliefs is OK with you, but it isn't with me.

  5. I've read the bible cover to cover three times... and that doesn't begin to cover the time I spent reading the Tanakh or Qur'an.  That's just time spent on the Abrahamic religions... and the tip of the iceberg, because I talked to priests/preachers, rabi, and imam too.  I debated religion at every opportunity.

    Also lets not forget most atheists *were christian at some point*, 85% of the people in the united states are christian.  I was raised christian and practiced for about 12 years and didn't actively reject the idea of a personal god for another 10+.

    I challenge you--  

    Read the Tanakh (Predecessor to Christianity)

    Read the Qur'an (Successor to Christianity)

    Read Dawkin's The God Delusion.

    Get a good understanding of the theory of evolution and abiogenesis.

    Like you said, I guarantee you won't burn up if you touch any of those books.  Try something new.  The more you know, the better you can debate.

    Most atheists are well versed in Christianity, I can't say the same about most Christians understanding of evolution and abiogenesis... in all honesty, I can't say most Christians that I've talked to and debated with over the years have even bothered to read the bible cover to cover they just go by what they're told on Sunday.  

    Incidentally did you know that about 75% of the christian churches in the US officially agree with the theory of evolution and abiogenesis, including the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church (They just add the caveat that god started the process or gave humans the divine spark.)

    Pretty much only your evangelical, fundamentalists, intelligent design proponents, young earth creationists, and biblical literalists are out of touch with basic scientific truths that have been proven.

  6. Perhaps tried they have, and perhaps for them it was not.

  7. If you keep your mind too open someone is bound to dump religious garbage into it... I for one think a keen mind is only open in as much as one is willing to scrutinize new things and examine them and consider them, not blindly accept nor reject them out of hand.

    EDIT*** BTW  DRINK for Pascal's Wager.

  8. I'm hoping you're a troll.

    But in case you're not:

    I, amongst many others, am an ex-Christian.

    I was open-minded enough to become a believer *as an adult*.

    After years as an active committed believing Christian I was training bible study leaders and teaching evangelism.

    It was studying, to only teach that which was correct, which led me to discover that neither the bible nor Christianity are, at core, what they profess themselves to be.

    Becoming an atheist wasn't easy but, at the last, it was the only honest thing I could do.

    "Just give it a shot."

    Been there, done that, as they say.

    "The worst that could happen is nothing"

    Actually Paul disagrees with you.  To believe and it not be true is the most pitiable thing of all, according to the bible itself.  (1Cor 15:19)

    Which is why it comes down to whether or not the bible is correct.

  9. The problem is not in our side. It's in your side.

    You constantly fail to produce any evidence that your god is any more valid than Loki. So why should I believe? You give me one good reason why I should believe.

    Plus, I've already been Christian.

  10. I've read Matthew, and John, Revelations, Genesis, Job, etc etc.

    Most of us were religious, most of us were Christians, and many of us were devout. We've been there and done that, and we realize it's all fake.

    Many of us would be open to the idea of believing in God if someone could actually prove he existed. :)  

  11. I've been down that road and devoted almost ten years of my life to Jesus.  I want my freakin ten years back!  Get your mind out of that stupid book and live your life before its too late.

  12. There are plenty of athiests that come out of Israel, and they have to study the bible at school.

    I guess secular education does have a negative impact on religion, but a religious government counteracts that. It balances out.

    You sound religious. Are you ever going to try out being an athiest and denouncing your god?

  13. I can see the mistake you've made here. You've assumed that being a Christian is so obvious that the only reason anyone couldn't be one is if they've never read the Bible. BEEEEEP! We've all read the Bible - because we're curious, intelligent and open minded. I'm not ashamed of having read the Bible, I think it's essential reading for any cultured person. The question is, why are YOU scared to read anything else? The Origin of Species, for instance?

  14. I'm not scared of god, i just don't think he exists. If anything the faithful are scared of him but that's just my thought.


    and it looks like 1 person agrees with me, YAY!

  15. Good question.

    A connected question:

    "Why do most atheists know the Bible much better than most church-goers?"


    "Because they were once Christians who took the whole thing serious enough to question it. And found it wanting, hypercritical, and encouraging sanctimonious bullying. Most church-people only go to church for the local gossip: to put people down so that they may feel superior."

    Yes -- we are right to be scared ,not of a non-existant god, but of an irrational mob.

  16. You obviously don't know that a lot of people who leave religion know quite a bit about what it is they left. I have read the Bible and I often find I know it as well or better than many current Christians.

  17. Oh, I see.  So then you've opened your mind and read the Koran, right?  I mean, since you're an open-minded person, I assume you read the Koran before you dismissed Islam.  And then you read the Bhagavad Gita before dismissing Hinduism.  And the Tao Te Ching before dismissing Taoism.  And the Analects before dismissing Confuscianism.  And the Dhammapada before dismissing Buddhism. And the prose (or poetic) Edda before you decided not to worship the Viking gods.  Because if you rejected these religions before reading their holy texts, then that would be the act of a closed-minded scaredy cat, right?

    Do you see the problem with your argument?  We reject your god for the same reason you reject all those other gods.

    Not to mention the fact that most of us, myself included, grew up in Christian families, attended church regularly, and have actually read the Bible.    

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