
Why is it alright to kill an innocent baby but..?

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it's not alright to kill murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc.?

I'm having trouble understanding why our society has decided that an innocent unborn life is worth less than that of one who has committed such atrocities after having a chance at life.




  1. Legally, a baby is not a human until it has taken a breath of air.

  2. this is mainly for the person who has the first post.  I was wondering when you ever noticed anything that wasn't alive reproduce?  I guess what i mean is you ask when do you determine that a bunch of cells are alive?  well they are alive the minute they begin to reproduce and create new cells.   Again when was the last time you saw 2 rocks get all freaky and birth another rock.  Life will only support and produce life.  

    Also you say that there is a huge difference between killing a grown adult and a scrap of skin, yes there is a huge difference the grown adult has already shown to be worthless and waste or life while the unborn child has not been given that chance to make that choice.   So it seems we have become a society that values the rights of the guilty over those of the innocent.

    Now I'm sure some jack hole will say something like "well the courts can make mistakes and cause an innocent man to go to the "chair".  Well that's right.  That's why they call it practicing law, it's like practicing medicine sometimes you get it wrong but i don't see anyone running to stop cancer treatment just b/c some folks have died from radiation treatment.  

    It's all just another attempt by mankind to fulfill his God complex.  A world gone to h**l in a hand bag.  

  3. I've wondered the same thing myself for years... unfortunately selfishness will always prevail in this world. If its to much trouble for someone to take responsibility for spreading their legs they can just have that little problem eliminated. What a wonderful world we live in huh?

  4. do a poll.......

    most people dont support abortion. and wont do it

  5. If we can tell a women what to do with whats inside her body as though

    we have the right to stick our nose in her private business, then i ask

    you, who amongst us is safe and where does it end, it never ceases

    to amaze me, the clever not to mention deceptive ways people come

    up with, of  telling others what they should do, especially in a situation

    as private and intimate as a womans functionality, and having nothing

    to do with them in the first place . . .

  6. How do you decide when a tiny bunch of cells becomes a 'baby'?  There is a difference between killing a non-sentient scrap of flesh and killing a fully grown adult.

    There are some very good arguments against capital punishment, not least of which is that it's virtually guaranteed that at some point an innocent person will be executed.  How would you feel if that was you, or someone you care about?

  7. I get sick of all this 'baby murder' talk. I am all for abortion, its a knot of cells in the early stages, its not a fully formed breathing human life. Its a persons choice that we are very lucky to have. People get a little too emotional about it in my opinion, it is a function of the human body much like many other things. Its not a 'baby' in my eyes until it is at least 6 maybe 7 months in the womb. I do agree that to use abortion like birth control is wrong when there are so many options to prevent pregnancy in the first place, but I really cannot get my head around people who see abortion as murder, does not make sense to me.

  8. Look at it from a republican point of view (not the holy, highly moral aspect)- if unwanted children are aborted, that'll be less of a burden for us tax payers in the future, right? unwanted children usually don't have the support of their parents, and, as a result, they often end up criminal and lazy, sponging off the rest of us who work hard and contribute to society! heaven only knows we don't want to pay more taxes to support lazy people who refuse to work and live off of welfare!

  9. It is not alright. You should have a protest in front of abortion places.

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