
Why is it bad for oil companies or WalMart to make billions yet ok for Hollywood to make billions?

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Just trying to figure this out here. Hollywood has made like 400 million off of the latest batman movie in around 2 weeks. The movie and TV industry- or otherwords Hollywood as a whole rakes in a unknown amount of billions per year. Yet liberals and socialists seem to think its horrible for the oil companies or other corporations that employee countless average Americans to make the same kind of money.

Why is it bad for a CEO of some corporation to make X amount of millions a year, yet ok for some actor or singer to make that kind of moeny?

Liberals-please explain in detail.




  1. 1) Actually, true socialists would say that any corporation making tons of money would be immoral.

    2) Ever notice that many of the people being interviewed at the gas station about oil prices being too high are filling up gas guzzlers? You don't usually see someone putting gas into a sub-compact being interviewed, just the ones driving the Beemers and Humvees.

    3) How many of those people who are complaining about how much money oil companies are making are themselves making salaries that others would call excessive? Is the CEO of, say, a clothing company worth the millions of dollars he/she makes? Probably not, according to the same standards people use to say oil company executives are paid too well.

    4) As for all those saying movies are optional but oil is not, nonsense. No one is required to buy oil or gas. No one has to drive a car that only gets 10 miles to the gallon. No one has to spend $30 or so on gas just to get to the Wal-Mart so they can spend another $100.

    So why do so many people think that its OK for Hollywood or Wal-Mart to make billions of dollars but not oil companies? Simple, they're ignorant. We live in a capitalist society, which means that any one of us has the right to make as much money as the market is willing to provide, so long as no anti-trust or other relevant laws are broken. To deny any industry the right to make a profit would be to reduce the United States to a Communist economy, which I don't believe most of us would like.

  2. dunno go ask the craziest out in hollyweird why its cool for them to make money through art but its not ok for other to get rich from business.  

    any who cares what the people out in hollywood think?  a good number of them never even got through high school, what the h**l do they know about economics?

  3. What Hollywood charges for isn't a necessity, but the gas for your car is and that goes for most of the items they sell at Walmarts!

  4. I agree with you.

    But my beef is the salaries they receieve.  Billions to act (acting is a pointless profession) while teachers, our military, and firefighters get bottom feeder wages and can barely scrape two nickels together.  Same with sports stars.  This country's priorities are all askew and this is just the tip of the ice berg. Good question.

  5. Look at the wrckage in Ohio and Michigan that happened because GM  DID NOT make billions??? Any comments, anyone?

    I suppose this is what GM deserves, because at one time THEY , not the oil companies, made billions in profits.

  6. thats because actors have talent. oil companies jack up the price of gas for their own benefit and walmart is ruining small businesses by dominating competition. actors at least give back some of their money to charity...the business world and hollywood are not comparable.

  7. Hollywood could make more if the price of oil is lower.What the oil company make is considered almost a sin since their action of profiteering has resulted in millions suffering all over the world.There are enough oil to go around but the oils are kept in oil tanks belonging to oil companies and will release the products only when the price of oil increased.This amounts to blackmailing the people of the world.So the profits made by oil companies are based and supported by the dead bodies of people around the world but hollywood makes money from entertaining people who suffer from the actions of the oil industries.At least a portion of their time is spent on entertainment to forget the real world of suffering caused by the oil industries.  

  8. Dark Knight Is a movie and people love it.

    There are some some movies that seriously suck.

    Even the video game industry make a lot of money like gta4 Sold $500 million on first week

  9. I know you say that "entertainment" isn't a good reason, but it is the only real reason. Hollywood is entertainment. Oil and Walmart are nescessities. On average, a person only really sees a few movies a year, and at the end of the year movie-going was only about $50 bucks per individual (added over the whole year). Entertainment is a luxury. Oil on the other hand is something a person needs everyday in their life, and over a year can cost a person a thousand dollars or more.

    Not all people can afford to go to the movies, and for some it isn't high on their priority list. Having a way to go to work, or a way to get around (oil) is. The oil companies have jacked up the prices so high, some people are stuck with descisions like this: "get oil for the car, so I can go to work, make money, and pay bills" or "spend my money on groceries." What kind of decision is that? I read an article that said the oil companies have made billions of dollars, and instead of spending the money searching for new oil in land they already own, they are pocketing it for their own profit.

    I agree with you though, money should be spent on what you need (food, gas) before what you want (movie time). But like I said, it is a luxury. We don't complain about entertainment, because we have a choice. We put money into seeing the movie, because in return we get a fun experience. But we complain about walmart and oil companies, because we don't have a choice. They are taking millions of our money for stuff we need and not giving much back to the community.

    Anyways, thats just how I see things. Hope I answered your question.

  10. Hollywood is full of stars that mostly agree to the Democrat line, up to and including having unions and degrading our culture and society.

    Wal-Mart continues to buck the unions, and work to better the country. Oil keeps the country moving. The Democrats just want us to look to them rather than ourselves for sustenance.

    EDIT: It seems a lot of folks missed the point. Funny how the people in line to see Batman are complaining about gas prices that factored for inflation are the same as they were 25 years ago. Oh well. You all keep supporting Hollywood, and hating the hand that feeds you. I don't mind.

    EDIT: We need oil? For what? We want oil, the same as we want entertainment. We need Wal-Mart? No, most of us want Wal-Mart. This country was doing fine before the automobile and plastic. Some of us could live without it if we had to.

    Also, the entertainment industry uses a lot of oil, making DVDs, CDs, tours, filming, just about everything they do.

  11. The reason is they dont care how much Hollywood make because it has no effect on them or the world however people think oil companies and large industries use up Earth resources destroying it and they think that companies such as warmart take advantage of others like hiring people from asia or third world nations to make profit because are dollar value is 10-40x more than them which is why we can pay them less then we would usually pay workers here. about $2-3 an hour compared to $8 on average here. Also they may think that large industry stores like walmart or starbucks may ruin family businesses. But they dont understand that this is just the world of business. they have been persuaded by those videos that slander these businesses such as an inconveinent truth, the true price low prices, or who killed the electric car.

    What those businesses do is their business its nothing wrong

    people hate walmart because it ruins small businesses but I say if you cant handle the dogs then get out of the yard. People are just naive like that its just business and they cant understand they cant get it in to their small narrow skulls

  12. Because hollywood makes us look good

    to answer your question yes the model american couple are Angelia Jolee and brad pit! and yes we adopt children from all over the world everyone does that!

  13. because hollywood is for our entertainment.. we can choose wether or not to spend money on a movie or whatever.

    we have no choice but to buy gas.. we just have to .. well most of us do anyway.. and gas prices are driving up the prices to EVERYTHING else... and we dont have a choice but to keep paying all these outrageous prices for stuff.

  14. Does Wal Mart deliver neat moving images? I think not.

  15. hollywood doesnt make us the people pay even more then what they should like the oil *******

  16. Because the liberals who hate Wall Mart are fueled  by Hollywood, and wait eagerly to be indoctrinated with their mentality.  

  17. because we don't need Hollywood to survive. We spend money on Hollywood when we want entertainment. We need oil to survive and since we spend so damned much in gas to the oil companies we can't afford to go anywhere else but Wal-mart.  

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