
Why is it bad to be ginger?

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Why is it bad to be ginger?




  1. ginger is not bad my daughter is a red head and has a heart of gold

  2. pale skin and people take the p**s because it is a werid hair colour

  3. I really like ginger hair, it's the rarest hair colour so I like its uniqueness.

  4. In Sweden it's considered a very s**y hair colour -- presumably as an alternative to all those flaxen blondes. :-)

    Ginger hair can look amazing -- I have a friend with that 'strawberry-blonde' pale ginger hair, worn long to her waist and naturally wavy. She has sea-grey eyes and perfect skin (not transparent, just fairy-tale-princess-pale. I think she's gorgeous (and so do all the boys)...

    In the end, like one sensible answerer says above, just get busy with the colour tints if you don't like what nature gave you. :-D

  5. Tell me what that has got to do with any kind of drink and I'll give you an answer. As it stands, it's bad to be ginger if your label says "Lemonade". That's my answer for now just so that the clever ***** can't say it's not an answer !

  6. Many things we associate as bad stem from stigma attached centuries ago when circumstances were different.

    Ginger hair is the result of a mutant gene,the resulting features of hair colour and pale skin would often draw suspicion from dark haired fathers.The pale sickly appearance of the child would worry the family that the child would be a burden upon resources and be unable to contribute.

    I personally find ginger haired people unattractive.I dislike the transparent skin and pale eye colour.

  7. Its not bad being ginger im ginger and love it even though people take the mick i still have loads of mates that dont and once people get to no u they no its only a hair color.

    who says that gingers have to have pale skin and dull eyes mine are greeny blue and my skin does tan!!

    just ignor them people they only do it cause they have nothing better to say.

  8. It's not.

  9. Ginger is an excellent spice ..... It's one of the best remedies for a stomachache or nausea

  10. who said it was 'bad' to be ginger? The ginger people who stay ginger and moan about it instead of doing something about it if they dont like it? I hated my brunette hair for years and dyed it...

    And those who call ginger people names for being ginger etc...... well who's the bigger assh*le there? If I was ginger and someone teased me for my hair colour I at least could walk away happy in the knowlege that I'm not an idiot like them...

  11. i dont think it is!

  12. It isn't bad at all.

    People just think it is because it's not a very common hair colour.

    It's classed as racism if some insults you because your ginger.

  13. it's not

  14. because ginger people are `special` people, who have crazy looking pubes and angry tempers.....sometimes there also called Jock McTavish


    PEOPLE WHO ARE GINGER ARE THE SAME AS YOU ITS JUST THEIR HAIR COLOUR IS DIFFERENT! I get bullied at school for being ginger and it sometimes makes me want to not go to school.

    its as bad as being racist but no one thinks about it that way.

    people hu bully gingers are just JEALOUS!


    to bullys- try being in OUR shoes.

  16. i personally dont think it is i'm ginger and although i was teased i laughed it off and if the people on on here want to take the p**s then so be it but did you know that it is more likely that a person who is not ginger will have ginger children and people who are ginger will have brown or blonde children. Thats a fact so really if you take the mick out of us red heads you are taking the mick out of your children to be. My two boys are white blonde with black eyelashes.

  17. It is not bad to be ginger! No more than it is to be blonde or brunette. People are born like it. One of my best friends is ginger and i dont see why it makes a difference any way.

    What has this got to do with nonalchoholic drinks??

  18. Ok, Im Ginger And Only 2 Thing wrong with it.

    You get pick on (ffs)

    And You get burn VERY EASY! (So I Dont Like The Heat >.<)

    Thanks for reading

  19. i hate ginger's smell and it's taste it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Because redheads have no soul, obviously. Soul-less =Evil.

  21. It's not bad at all.

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