
Why is it bad to get a tattoo of your name?

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Well the reason I want it is because my name means a lot to me and I want something that reminds me a of who I really am. Some one told my that I shouldn't for safety reasons.




  1. Most of the answers here are wrong

    If your where to go into the whitness protection or someone you dont want knowing your name questioned you about it, then you can say its a friend or a relitive or a memorial tattoo

    And a tattoo is only unoriginal if you get it without having any personal relivence to it

    Like getting a cross tattoo when your not religious or dont have any religious beliefs or its not a memorial tattoo or has nothing to do with spirituality then yeah its pretty unoriginal

    But you said your name is important to you, thats a good reason to get it

    And no to the pepople saying it makes you self centered, it only does if you think your gods gift to the world, but being proud of your name does not make you big headed  

  2. It's not's just stupid.

    If you want something to remind you of who you are, get a symbol or an image that incorporates values, goals, etc. that you have. I promise you'll love it more than just your name tattooed on you for life.

  3. No!

    its one of the best ones u can get

    u always have ur name

    but sometimes not always a husband or boyfriend

    just make sure its not S****y

  4. Are you planning on forgetting it at some point?

  5. 1, it's unoriginal

    2, you can never lie about your name

    3, if you go into witness protection, you're totally screwed

  6. well its kinda dumb its like you think you'll forget so you tattoo it onto yourself unless you make it all artsy like a bracelet tattoo or something its really bad taste to get a tattoo of a person because you never know how long you will know them or if they will do something to make you hate them and then you are stuck with their name on your body

  7. that is an opinion thing...some people like it, some don't

    to me, it's not the worst tattoo you could get

    but it's self centered and unoriginal

  8. It depends on what name you are getting. I think first name tattoos are ridiculous. You should know you who are and you shouldn't need a reminder of that. Last name tattoos are a little different. I have my last name tattooed on the back of my neck "CHAVEZ" in old english because I take pride in my family. I will be getting married soon and changing my last name so I want people to know that I am still a Chavez and that I take pride in that. Safety reasons? If someone is going to be close enough to you to read your tattoo, then they are going to do something bad to you whether they know your name or not. All in all, if you really want to get it, then forget what anyone says because it is your body and your decision.

  9. If you like your name its fine i'm going in to get one next week with my name in chinese writing.  

  10. because its super tacky, why would you get a tattoo of your OWN name???!

  11. Is it bad?  At least you won´t regret it like most people who have someone else´s name tattooed on their body

  12. I think it's pretty stupid, honestly. It's not like you'll forget your name plus there are just so many things one can relate to their life to tattoo on their body. My grandpa had his name tattooed on his forearm and used to tell stories of how he did it so when if he passed out at the bar, he could be identified. Lol, dunno how true that is but he's now in his 60's and just got it covered up with something else. I just don't know why anyone would get their name on their body....but it's your body, your tattoo, so what I think shouldn't matter.

  13. it isnt really bad, its just a kind of "why do you want your own name on you? are you gunna forget it?" thing... i just think getting a boyfriend or girlfriends name is stupid.

  14. because if a stragner like an abuser or murderer will take you away they will know your name and you cannot lie about it.

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