
Why is it bad to go to a club alone?

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Why is it bad to go to a club or party alone? I was thinking of attending this party called DANCE THEFT AUTO CHICAGO alone, but my mom warned me.




  1. You could get raped/murdered/abducted, or your drink could get spiked, or something else could happen to you, and no one would know. Sure, that could happen if you go with someone you don't know very well, but if you go with someone you KNOW you can trust, it's a lot safer.

  2. I think it is a safety issue.  You never know what can happen at any given time-your life can change drastically in an instant.

    It is always better to go to a club in a group or just with a friend.

    It is more fun that way too.

    Better safe than sorry.

  3. I don't see why you couldn't go alone, it is all on if you want to or not, having a friend would be a bit more fun I think, just so you got someone to walk in with and chat with until you meet new people

  4. You mean

    Other than the obvious safety issue (safety in numbers, alternatives when needing to get home or other assistance) Especially at a party - not everyone goes to a party for the same reasons...

    Your mother is looking out for your safety. You should at least appreciate that regardless of if you agree with her or not.

  5. it's just safer to be with someone that can help protect you from anyone intending to do harm to you.let's face it there are alot of messed up people out there.they can slip something in your drink,try to rape you,or need to be careful.

  6. I have went to thousands of clubs stag...sometimes it is convenient cause you can do whatever you want....I would just like to say that answering this question I have reached 1000pts....level 3...I HAVE ARRIVED!....I would like to thank my agent Marty....My homeboy MarkyMark....all my fans....I would also like to thank YA! for sticking with me during the hardtimes....and to all the mermaids, vampires, werewolves, and other whackjobs I've made fun of...I couldn't have done it without you....I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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