
Why is it bad to sleep in contacts?

by  |  earlier

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i know you're not supposed to. but i leave mine in for weeks at a time sleeping in them and everything. i just want to know why it's bad... i'm trying to stop so i don't cause too much damage to my eyes it's just a hassel to take them out and put them in all the time. but i got cute new glasses.




  1. You can cause your eyes irreparable damage.. not only are there HUGE risks regarding reduced oxygen transmission, but also, your contacts WILL dry out- putting you not only at risk for all the fun dry-eye things like corneal erosions, ie, your eyelid literally peeling your cornea up, but ALSO for being scratched by the contact itself, which can result in an infection that might cost you your sight.

    If you're not responsible enough to take your contacts off every single night, no matter what, you're not responsible enough to be wearing contacts. Period.

  2. I dont know what kind of contacts you have but mine are the kind that when you're "not supposed" to sleep in. If I fall asleep with them I wake up and my eyes are so dry and irritated but after a couple of minutes there fine.

    I'm told that over a period of time your cornea doesn't get enough oxygen and vesicules start to grow in order to provide more oxygen in the cornea. From there it impairs your vision, and if it effects it enough you can go blind. Sometimes there's really no effect but irritation, but there is a high risk of infection.

  3. contacts limit the oxygen that gets to your eye. thats obvious because its a piece of plastic on your eye and by sleeping in them your eyelid limits even more oxygen so in the morning your eyes are probably pretty bloodshot.

  4. Because your eyes need to breath too. It isn't that it is bad to sleep in them, but you need some time with them off so the membrane on you eyes don't weaken.

  5. The most anterior part of your eye ,cornea,is a living tissue meaning needs oxygen for its survival and the only source of oxygen for this tissue is the atmosphere.Modern contact lenses are permeable to oxygen molecules but this is amenable only at day time.At night time when your eyes are closed and contact lenses are on your eyes sufficient oxygen can not diffuse onto your cornea and this may lead to corneal hypoxia resulting in corneal ulcer and corneal opacity which is a serious threat to your eye and eye-sight.

  6. it is bad to sleep contacts on -1-during sleep process your eyes move such fast  with contacts on can cause injury to your cornea-the transparent part of the eye----2-your cornea gets its oxygen supplies from the    atmosphere is being prevented in doing so even in ex tented wear of contacts,it is expected to remove the contacts, in  an adviced time,and uou canwear your spectacle or relax for some time then you can go to bed

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