
Why is it because I am friendly and care for other people, they assume I am naive?

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I try to be nice to everyone I meet and I really care about people I talk to. For some reason, that makes people assume that I am stupid and empty headed. Why is it that caring for people makes me the target for ridicule?I have a very public job and deal with many different people daily. I get written off as a "dumb blonde" often and when I try to have an informed discussion with people they think I have no idea what I'm talking about. Since when is innocence and kindness a crime????




  1. It's not and you know it's not so why the h**l are you wasting your time?  You're smart enough to know that the ignorant are ignorant and that stero-types means nothing.  

  2. Many people are so selfish and cynical, for whatever reason, that they assume any intelligent person has to be looking out for #1 only.  They have no idea that an intelligent person would actually choose to put others first, mainly because they don't.  It makes no logical sense to their way of thinking.  It's a psychologically sneaky way of justifying their own selfishness and cynicism, truthfully enough.

    Please continue to do what you're doing.  Make your little part of the world a better place for anyone who enters it.  Maybe some of them will eventually wise up like you obviously already have.

  3. People like you (and me) scare those who do not know what it is  to have compassion. It takes a person with character and strength, to care about others. I would not worry about what people think I  would just do what my heart leads me to do.

    Others may never understand, what makes you do the things you do. But the beautiful thing is that you do not need them to.

    If you are like me you get by giving. And that is priceless.

  4. While I think that the vast majority of people believe that kindness and caring are wonderful attributes, there are some that will try to either take advantage of or will ridicule others thinking that these are traits of weakness.....I see it time and time again....The best advice I can give you is to continue on your path being the sweet, kind, wonderful person that you are and do not give it a second thought...The truth of the matter is that they would LOVE to be more like you but are just very insecure with themselves.....You know your own heart and that is what matters the most....Be happy that you have chosen to be an uplifting and caring source to others..... Your friends will always know that they can come to you for your support and words of kindness...   (((((HUGS)))))  Linda........

  5. Those people are jealous... they want to be the friendly person you are and cant. OR they cant believe there are still good people in this horrible world

  6. There is such a thing as being too nice.   I know that sounds stupid but it's true.   Some people can only see things as black or white and see kindness/niceness as weakness - when actually it is a strength.  You have to bite back once in awhile just to let people know you are not a walk over and it's good for you to know that you don't have to accept c**p from other people and can take care of yourself.   Don't let them make you bitter and take care.

  7. 1 Best place to start is to ask the people like your friends and family, boss,pastor.........  and ask them how they perceive you. Tell them to be objective.

    2.You may need to tighten up your approach with others in certain situations and still ALWAYS be yourself. Perhaps its some assertive training,maybe working on your boundaries with others and so on

    3Most human beings will take advantage of others to the degree that you allow them.

    4Here's a simple idea: In a respectful way say to the client -customer " I noticed you are behaving............. and you please tell me why cuz part of my job is to serve you in an intelligent way." Just dont say this in an argumentative way but in one that you really want to serve them better.

    5 Many people take nice people as easy and niave and if they do that you cant forfeit who you are but simply tweak certain things as I said before.

    6 Last --Make sure this is not your own junk. Ask yourself fairly,go to God and ask him to help you sort that out and dont be afraid to use your wise friends for their thoughts.

    Good Luck

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