
Why is it best for athletes to stay away from s*x when getting ready for competition.?

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I played sports all my life, and I always knew s*x is bad when getting ready for compettion. Why does it make you tired? Do you loose nutrients.. Do you loose proteins from food that you eat? How do you get it back?




  1. This is somewhat of an old wives' tale.  While there is an expenditure of energy and a psychological or pseudo-emotional transition dependent on the degree of expectation and relief, an athlete will overcome these factors while a woos may not.  Woos.

  2. for sports like football, you have an urge to chase them down and hump them. but if you already had s*x, you just don't care

  3. because athletics can have s*x before a competition but because you will

    loose energy and nutrienets

      when you want to keep this energy eat 3 slices of apples,i 1 serving of beans, 1 fresh carot, and lemon juice while having s*x. (you can take a 6 minute break but not longer) i learned this in my s*x camp, (im also a profesional football player)  

  4. actually s*x has no affect on the atheltes perfomance. I just learned this yesterday it was on man answers. it has no affect so go at it and enjoy.  

  5. Well... when your about to play a game you don't wanna be thinking about "last night." Like in base ball you only need one "bat!"   LOL  J/K

  6.   Endorphines... Your body uses Endorphines to make you happy or excited... Your body gets "excited" and pumped off when you are getting ready to have s*x and even during the act.. However, depending on how much energy is used, your body is fatigued and tired.  For example... it is like having a HUGE sugar high and then afterwards, feeling down and drained... This is why athletes are discouraged from s*x around sports... Coaches want there players to be at there very best and not running a mile behind the other players.

  7. Look Fella, You need to m********e during competition time...sometimes Pu$$y just ain't worth all the trouble..(lol..seriously!)

  8. You do lose protein when you have s*x, everytime you ***. So you shouldn't m********e before a competition either. Just eat more afterwards like you would after going for a run.

  9. Well all that i know is that is a myth. A funny person told in the past that the s***n is composed by energy, by melted bones, by all kind of different thinks that you can´t imagine. The expert tell that this don´t affect the stamina of the athlete, because is the same exercise that runing a scale, but Im not sure, the trainers should have a good reason for keep that costume.  

  10. Umm.. S*x is good for you, so I don't think it does anything harmful..

  11. that's a load of c**p. some people associate love and s*x together, and love can get pretty complicated. a lot of coaches are afraid that you won't be concentrating on the game if you are giving your attention to the opposite s*x. look at how many famous athletes have been caught with hookers or underage fans, and stuff. don't tell me they aren't getting any.

  12. They say it is to keep your aggression in for when you're actually competing, but I think it is all a lie.

  13. that is a complete myth  

    check out smoking gun or manswers

    as Nike says..

    just do it !!!

    ** and have fun doing so  

  14. Too much s*x is not good for you as is too little of it.

    Too much s*x drains the mind and body of energy.

    Too little s*x causes a person to get frustrated.

  15. when you are competing, you will need every ounce of testosterone to help you get there however, if you've had s*x, you will have used a lot of the testosterone up and you will also be in need of a rest whilst your body replenishes itself with more testosterone.

  16. s*x releases endorphins and stuff and takes your energy and you need that stuff to bring your A-game to the competition.

  17. Actually, this was big with boxers, then it became passe...

    The feeling today is that it may enhance the athlete's performance.

  18. That is a complete myth. Remember, you can shoot and still score. Or you can score and still shoot :)

  19. It's not having s*x before competition that hurts.

    It's going out and looking for it that hinders performance.

    It's a myth that is used to keep athletes in and relaxed before competition. Instead of out and partying down.

  20. they will be like... tired???

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