
Why is it called Lipstick if you can still move your lips ?

by Guest57724  |  earlier

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  1. I think we all can agree that lipstick is very expensive. I got mine from this site, for free. Try it out!

  2. It's lipwear in the form of a stick.

  3. LOL OMG

    Wow where have you been? Under a rock for the past half century? It's lipcolor in stick form.

  4. it STICKS to ur LIPS.

  5. Because the 'stick' is for your lips.  Not as 'sticky stick', but the tool itself IS a 'stick.

  6. Because it's a stick for your lips?

    Didn't mean to make that sound dirty.

  7. hahaha!!!

  8. LOL

    it sticks to your lips

    doesn't make your lips stick together

  9. Wow, you have obviously never seen lipstick.

    Um, it comes in stick form, and you apply it to your lips.


  10. Lip color used to come in a little container like the lip balm tubs. Then they invented it in the stick form hence being called lipstick.  

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