
Why is it called a Birthmark?

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And how exactly does it get there?




  1. Lovely story this, my Gran used to call them "Stork beak marks"..They came when the stork delivered the baby!

  2. Because most of the time, you have them since you are born.

  3. a birth mark is a mark on the body that has been there since birth.

  4. it a mark on ur body when you just get born

  5. Cause your born with it.

  6. umm bc you born with it.. you couldnt feel it, so they called it birth mark..  

  7. almost like a manufacturing defect that occurs there at birth.

  8. Because you're born with it. o_O

    Dunno how it gets there.

  9. because you get it when your mom gives birth to you.

    and you get it when your born.

  10. It is called a birthmark because it is a mark that you get from birth. Sometimes when you are in the womb your body gets marks from growing. I don't know! Laugh out loud. It's just something that you get when you are inside of your mom. Birth Mark! Listen to the words carefully its quite easy to figure it out, but an interesting question. It was a good question to ask. I wonder now... hm-mm....

    Go to some doctor website. Go to google and type it in you will get more acurate results.  

  11. Because you've had it from birth. It's a nice way of saying that you have a skin imperfection that's not your fault, you were born with it. Some people call them beauty marks.

    There are all kinds of reasons why one could have a birthmark - some minor trauma in the womb or during delivery, lack of melatonin, etc.

    Don't worry about it.

  12. little information is known about the cause of birthmarks. they are belived to be the overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin and are made up of cell from blood vessels. the reason for the name is quite simple . . . it is a mark that one has on one's face since birth.  

  13. birthmark is a euphemism for an anomaly on your body that you're just born with...

    you're just born with it, not everyone's genes are perfect and the same.

  14. because you have had that mark on your body since you were born

    it just naturally is there

    and i dont think you can remove it or prevent it from happening either

  15. Dude...a birthmark is a mark you are born with that is the why of it.. My mother craved red meat when she was pregnant with my sister. My sister was born with a red heart shape mark on her arm. I don't know if that is the cause of the birthmark. It is just a thought.

  16. It is called a birthmark because it is a mark that is there when you are born. You may have gotten it from your parents or someone in your family. It goes down through your family sometimes. But: for example: its like getting your mom's eyes. It goes through the family but only sometimes.

  17. its called a birthmark because its a mark that doesnt match the rest of your skin and its there from BIRTH. there are different reasons for different kinds of birth marks. some are just more or less pigment in an area. some are whats called an "angel kiss" wich is a gathering of capilaries under the skin on the forehead or "stork bite"  wich is the same as an angel kiss but on the back of the neck.

  18. A birthmark is a blemish on the skin formed before birth. A little over 1 in 10 babies have a vascular birthmark.[1] They are part of the group of skin lesions known as "naevi". The exact cause of most birthmarks is unknown, but vascular birthmarks are not hereditary.[1][2]

    They are soft raised swellings on the skin, often with a bright red surface, and some may look a bit like a strawberry. They are also known as "strawberry naevi" or as "infantile haemangiomas". They appear after birth, usually in the first month, and can occur anywhere on the skin. They are more of a problem when they affect the face. The cause of birthmarks is not fully understood. They are a benign overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin, and are made up of cells that usually form the inner lining of blood vessels. They are thought to occur as a result of a localized imbalance in factors controlling the development of blood vessels. Strawberry marks affect as many as one in ten newborn Caucasian babies but only about 1% of Asian and black children have them. They are particularly common in premature babies. Strawberry marks are not a sign of ill health, or associated with cancer.

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