
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?

by Guest66939  |  earlier

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Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?




  1. I have worked in the building trade and a building is never actually completed. It is just a matter of knowing when to stop.

  2. must be like saying you are coming when you were obviously there anyway lol

  3. because it would sound pretty funny if if was called a built

  4. because it isn't falling

  5. Your right we should switch to calling them "builtings"

    I think it has a better ring to it.

    ; )

  6. The term originates from Old English, around the 12th century.

    Building = Structure.

  7. brandon brandon

    *pats tummy*

    lunch break

  8. because it is just a figure of speech

  9. Why is a highway flat, and a driveway where we park, and a parkway where we drive?  Just goes to show that we aint too bright.  I know I'm bright, my father always called me sun.  See what I mean?

  10. its just a figure of speech.  

    It wouldn't sound right to say "the block was full of huge builts", would it?

  11. Because they decided it just wouldn't sound right when they said...."Elvis has just left the built....."

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