
Why is it called the 'mile-high' club, when I guess most of the action takes place at cruising altitude?

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Why is it called the 'mile-high' club, when I guess most of the action takes place at cruising altitude?




  1. It's at least a mile.  What if you are in Denver?  Since it's the mile high city, do you only have to be skimming the trees?  I don't think your pilot would do that for you.  Lol.

    PS, I hate it when passengers ask me if I'm a member.  That's a pretty personal question, and I just say, "have you seen our bathrooms?"  Lol.

  2. who cares what its called i just want to be a member

  3. Hey the boss has his own bedrom. Vibrating queen size bed down pillows and comforter. Even a forty two inch plasma monitor and DVD player. Bring whatever movies blows your skirt up. You can join the eight mile high club if he'll let you have the key.

  4. it's just a fugure of speech but has it's roots in the birth of aviation when 5000 feet was about the most altitude the rudimentary piston engines of the day could attain before running out of power.....

    people have been s******g in airplanes as long as there have been airplanes, and at the beginning of flight , a mile high was about all you could get.....and it just sounds cool....

    who wants to say "i joined the FL350 club? only a pilot would understand what flight level 350 means.....this way everybody knows what you mean hahahaha

  5. Mile is one syllable and easier to say than "36,000 Feet Club".

  6. good point! should be called the 'just over 7 mile high club'...but its probably better at 1 mile high?...its more likely to be 'turbulent' through the clouds...

  7. Unfortunately, most aircraft toilets don't have an altimeter in them.

  8. Todays airliners, business jets and even humble Cessna single prop aircraft can achieve heights far in excess of a mile high. The reasons given for older aircraft not being able to fly higher than one mile are not quite correct. There were two fundamental reasons; firstly, aircraft were not heated and had open cockpits when flying first took off ( pun intended ) and secondly it was a while before even closed cockpit aircraft had the benefit of pressurisation. So it was for the comfort and well being of the crew and passengers that the flying height was relatively low by todays standards. Just remember that if you take a normal holiday flight today there are about seven feet of suitcases under your feet then nothing but fresh air for the next thirty five thousand feet, nearly seven miles straight down!!!

  9. Becuase planes use to fly a maximum of a mile high and the name just stuck I guess.

  10. do you have abetter name?  The crusing altitude club just doesn;t have the same ring to it

  11. Aw don't split hairs dude. Who cares ;-)

  12. It's when you have s*x when flying. OK?

  13. The mile high club actually involves sexual activity at 5,280 feet and above.  Special flights for this purpose are available in the UK and USA, as can be seen from the following sites -

  14. It is short for one or more miles AGL (above ground level).  So for instance if you are flying above New York city you only need to be above one mile MSL or mean sea level.  If you decide to join the club somewhere over Denver you need to be on mile AGL which is two miles MSL.  Remember it's AT or ABOVE one mile AGL

  15. Because it was originally done mostly in single-engine planes cruising a mile high.

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