
Why is it called the World Series if it's only for teams within the country?

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why can't they just say country or nationwide? because Japan isalso very good at baseball and like them, their are many other countries worldwide thatare good at baseball. i think it would be a little more fun to watch a real WORLD series, and if not then just change the name




  1. Its not just American baseball players. Plus you have toronto

  2. Why is the foul pole in fair territory?

    Why do the White Sox wear black socks?

    There are players from all around the world who play in the MLB though. I would consider the MLB the highest league of baseball. Making it the ultimate goal to play for.

  3. Well its actually 2 countries, US and CAnada inteh MLB. :)

    But my real guess is that the name World Series was coined sometime in 1903 and that was way before any other country even knew about the sport.  I think it kinda gives MLB the right to take claim on the title.

    The World Baseball Classic is used to decide worldwide champs.

  4. Why is Coke called Coke when there's not any cocaine in the recipe anymore?  Why is Wendy's hamburgers called Wendy's hamburgers when the founder was Dave Thomas?  Because that's the name someone came up with to try and sell their product.  Just like the name World Series helped MLB sell the World Series.  

    Why does someone (usually a non-baseball fan who'd like to pretend there is nothing in their life that doesn't make sense) come up with the question every year?  

  5. It's called the World Series because it was initially sponsored by the New York World newspaper. The name just stuck. As far as I know the Japanese field is smaller than the one used in MLB so mabe the two games aren't compatible.  

  6. Canada is involved too.  

  7. Janice: I agree with you completely. It's just the US sports culture. The same is said for the NBA basketball champions, they refer to them as "world champions", when they should be referred to as "NBA Champions". It's just the US culture. For example, the team that wins the Stanley Cup aren't referred to as "world champions" as that sport migrated from Canada. I don't know the origin, but you are correct that it is stupid to call a team "world champions" for a domestic competition.  

  8. Hubris



    Take your pick

  9. around 50 feet

  10. Because there's players from MANY countries that are included in the MLB.  It wouldn't be fair to them.  Plus, Canada has a team too.

  11. Because if you're really good and you're from another country, you usually end up going to the mlb. so you still have the best players in the world there, thus, the world series.

  12. Toronto has won the World Series.Most of the players were not Canadian.

  13. becuase there are teams from every country... duh, didnt u notice how the hong kong monkeyrats won the WS last year... man, people these days are STUPID!  

  14. The World Series were called that in 1903 and the tradition continues. So why do you want to muck it up ? When you become baseball commissioner you can ask the owners to change the name of the venue.

  15. I'm American and a huge baseball fan and it irks me.  It only makes sense to call it the World Series if the American teams (and one Canadian team) are playing against teams from other countries.  There may be players from other countries but, unless they're wearing a uniform with their country's colors on it, then they are representing the AMERICAN team they are playing for.

  16. MLB against other countries' leagues? The MLB would clean house. I think the guy who talked about the NY newspaper is right. I just wanted to say that there are all sorts of nationalities represented in baseball as well, so it could qualify as a WORLD series, because only the best of the best of these other leagues come here. Honestly, if you saw the stats of a lot of Japanese players, you may not hold their league in as high a regard as you do now. Only a few come over here from there, and most of them are overrated still. Ichiro is not, but that's about it...

  17. Their are many baseball players that aren't form America....

    they come from around the world... so thats why they call worlds series...  

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