
Why is it cheerleading squads always have that one fat girl that your like wtf is she doing there?

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OOoo senestive...

Size doesn't matter. You're a total jerk for even asking this question. If someone is good at cheerleading, then they make it. They may not be good in your eyes, but people who actually care about talent rather than looks, they'll appreciate it. It's not about looks- it's about personality and talent. I suggest you learn how to treat people.


Maybe if they hit the gym it wouldn't matter?




  1. because they tried out for the squad and got picked.

  2. i dont know wtf your talking about my school has all fat girls like in the movie cheerleaders are all popular and s**y but in real life there just the outcasts

  3. LMAO

    its like their not trying to be mean or something but it ruins everything!

    nice answer alpha ;)

  4. I have no idea! That's hilarious and totally true. I just got back from cheer camp. And yeah. lol. I saw a few. haha. Looks like a horse or something. lol.

  5. Size doesn't matter. You're a total jerk for even asking this question. If someone is good at cheerleading, then they make it. They may not be good in your eyes, but people who actually care about talent rather than looks, they'll appreciate it. It's not about looks- it's about personality and talent. I suggest you learn how to treat people.

  6. You're shallow and ignorant at the same time. First off, there's NEVER been any obese cheerleaders that I know of, mainly because they couldn't do the moves, secondly as another has said, they get on the squad based on talent, not on looks (at least I hope so), and third and most important, have you ever heard of a base before? You don't want some skinny 110 lb chick as the base. You want some guys and a couple stockier, but still athletic, girls as the base of the pyramids.

  7. For real and then like the triangle of two fine *** girls and a ******* elephant.

  8. I'm on a high school cheerleading squad. And we're all different sizes. Some Skinny, some chubby, and some average. Weight doesn't matter on our squad.

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