
Why is it considered a bad thing to stay a virgin(specially a teenager) in America ?

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and Why don't parents oppose that ?




  1. This is a situation where you're damned if you do, & you're damned if you don't.

    People used to treat me like a plague in high school b/c I was still a virgin. & in college, when I lost my virginity, the tables turned. 1 time of s*x, & I was the university ****. WTF!

  2. Said who.

  3. Because it slows down the goal of having every female in the u.s. live at the same level as a dog. When a guy does her and moves on he doesn't want to have to pretend that it had any meaning beside animistic s*x. It helps to define women as being depositories for men to use and move on. The parents, like their offspring, had zero moral education and instruction growing up and don't care if their children ruin their lives. For it to be different women would have to actually raise their children instead of dumping them into child care. Now they are free of that. Parents are marginally more mature than their children. There is and hasn't been a 'leader' at any level of government that has a clue as to the moral state of our youth today. It just makes it so much easier for men to use women and move on when the women have zero morality, too. You cannot have a moral, normal, decent relationship when you have never seen one in your life. Good children come from good mothers, always and only, and when their are no good mothers or 90% indifferent ones the goal is achieved.  

  4. I don't consider it a bad thing. I always thought that it was other teens who have had s*x and feel superior to those who haven't that cause girls to feel negative about being virgins.  

  5. Well as far as I know, it is still considered good to be a virgin. It's just that people with little or no morals are usually more outspoken. I was raised to wait for marriage and I did. I am teaching my children the same thing. I am surrounded by people who feel and teach the same way. It is sad though that people think this is the norm, and that is how everyone acts, so they think that is what is expected by all. Parents need to step up, Children need to step up, and be responsible and make being moral a good thing again, instead of the illusion that it is bad.

  6. The movies say it's bad. Message delivered and successful.

  7. It's not bad it is wonder-full!

    The reason it is looked upon as bad is because it takes a VERY strong person to not be tempted in to pure marital s*x!  In America today any time you deny your self pleasure for what ever reason it is frowned upon because we have raised a society of feel gooders

  8. I don't think there is any evidence that public opinion opposes teenage virginity. Among teenagers themselves, there are those who are sexually active and those who are not.

  9. god knows...

    all that peer pressure c**p...

  10. Crazy... virgin is a great thing and it seems that ppl nowadays think that if you are a virgin then u are old fashioned... bullsh!t.

  11. Sorry romeo, but everyone I know thinks its pretty cool. I guess you were just raised in a place were its better to be a sl*t.

  12. It isn't.

    I'd bet most teenagers lie about having s*x and those that are no longer virgins had s*x under pressure and regret it.

    Yeah, it feels good (sometimes) but many people have s*x for emotional reasons. Low self esteem accounts for many of the reasons women have s*x as a teenager. Geez, I know grown women that have s*x due to low self esteem.

    And, parents do oppose their children having s*x as teenagers because they know the emotional, physical (STDs, pregnancy) and spiritual ramifications of having s*x early.

    It's not an American issue it's simply peer pressure darlin'.  

    Spoke to some friends I met in France and they said that teenagers in Paris are having s*x, but they aren't opposed to using condoms. And because they see nudity on TV (when i was in paris i saw nudity in the commercials!) and people aren't afraid to talk about s*x (many American parents don't talk about s*x to their children) the French youth aren't afraid of it and are responsible if they choose to do it.

    Thanks for listening/reading.

  13. It is against american culture.

    It is as bad as terrorism.

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