
Why is it considered asserting masculinity through controlling a woman.?

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What do those who think this way try to prove?




  1. For those who see it as controll; will always believe it is control.  Those that believe it is a nuturing will see it as that way.  In its true form masculinity never fears femininity and visa-vis.  In reality one compliments/ works with, and admires the other.

  2. cuz men can be such pigs.... they think it makes them so big an powerful to keep a woman under there control...  ready to be there s*x slave whenever they want an obey there evry comand...

    it took me a long time to relize i dont need a man in my life.... but i cant figure y so many women still think they need a man controling them...

  3. It depends what you mean by 'control'.  Some women enjoy being with assertive take-charge men.  I know I do.  I would not however like being with a man who thought only of himself and didn't consider my feelings and wishes as well.  Control is not necessarily a bad thing, it depends how the man uses it.

  4. some women don't the have the backbone.  Maybe they need an injection of testosterone.

  5. Dunno but whos the more foolish the fool or the person who follows the fool. Btw not to get all metaphysical but control is an illusion, youu cant control something unless it is willing to let you. For example a pitbull if it is well fed and well taken care of it would be easy to get it to do some commands how ever if the same dog were starved and abused it would most likely attack. Its a dumbed down analogy i know but its basically the concept.

  6. Actually is isn't. The need to control women is a defense. It is a way to keep the status quo, and keep things just the way that you want them to be.

    I guess those who think this way are trying to prove that they know what's best for you, according to their standards.

    No body really knows whats best for another, unless they walked in their shoes. What works well for one person may not work well for another.

  7. I'm not sure it's so much an assertion of masculinity as a general hatred/resentment of women. Men are socialized to have great disdain for women (having asked an intelligent question, I'm sure you know that simply listening to some stand up comedy or watching a standard porno will tell you this if a walk down the street doesn't) and find it's their right to control and dominate them. Even worse, some men think women like this.

    Although, you are right in that this is the dominant concept of masculinity, so that's just what they're trying to prove: that they are in fact men. And they do this by distancing themselves from women through status, worth as a person, and strength/violence.

  8. Anyone who needs to control another person is seriously lacking in both intelligence, and self esteem.

        BTW that is not considered masculine that is a considered abuse.. nice try though another misandric bites the dust.. another one bites the dust and another one and another one and another one bites the dust...

  9. In the Roman days, a man was legally responsible for what his family did, and he had the legal right to kill them.  It is still this way in the Middle East, under traditional fundamentalist law.  In the US a husband used to be legally responsible for the things is wife did - not just civil court violations, but criminal, also.

    Although the laws changed a hundred years ago, their is still a mind set in some very backward thinking men, that if you can't control your woman, you shouldn't be given any responsibility.  This is archaic thinking, but it still persists.  It's the same as guys who like to go out hunting - supposedly for food, even though if you figure out how much money it costs to have a gun and a hunting license and a hunting lease, it makes venison EXTREMELY expensive.  It's an old "this it what real men do" attitude that dies hard.

    BTW Having a chip on your shoulder about having a woman control you is also a leftover from this "I'm a He-man" era.  I dates from the time that a man exerts his will against his mother.  Most men outgrow that teen-age stage, but some men never do...

  10. Trying to control others is childish, pointless and idiotic.

    A man doesn't assert masculinity by controlling a woman... he asserts masculinity by refusing to allow a woman to control HIM.

  11. basketof...  is a genius

    Have you seen any movies recently, read any books.

    Our media is full of men telling women what to do, how to do it, when to do it, it's ridiculous but true. The media controls us.

    Anti-feminists don't see this however, either that or they like it.  And no this is NOT nurturing behavior at all.

    Never getting married no way.   I might end up on snapped if I did.

    As for what they're trying to 'prove' LOL this is exactly the reason why so many people say that women are stronger than men and that's why men have felt the need to control and oppress us since the dawn of time.

    I mean honestly why would a 240 pound man need to try to control a 100 pound woman. What could he possibly prove by controlling someone that is less than half his size. That's like a girl trying to control a bunch of ants simply to prove that she is in fact "oh my" "is she really" A GIRL dun dun dun  ridiculous right. Again I say people can tell your s*x just by looking at you people don't have to prove anything to anyone.

  12. depends on who's doing the "considering". A confident man will generally let a woman have her way, though she won't be able to push him around......

  13. People who seek to control were victimized themselves by someone else. So, they think that they can regain power by controlling someone else...They feel strong to have a "human possession."

    Kris W got it on the dot. Controlling isn't masculine. It's can be abuse.

  14. Controlling people are wimps in reality.

    At least that's what my dad told me. A man that hits a women is a wimp and cowards.

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