
Why is it considered immature to like pokemon?

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I am 16.

I was with two of the girls I do rodeo with 'the ropers' -.-" and i mentioned pokemon and they all started dissing it. I just smiled, because all in all I LOVE POKEMON.

So tell me, why? Why is it so wrong to like and admire something? Are older people just supposed to not like things like it? Or is it just a mentality, like if you like it you're stupid--so you put it down to look badass.




  1. If you like Pokemon, you like Pokemon. If you want to like it, then you can like it. No one can tell you otherwise.

    Don't listen to Max S. I watch anime like Bleach, and I still like the first series of Pokemon. By the way, in Japan, Pokemon is in the top ten along with Naruto, One Piece and Detective Conan.

  2. It's considered immature to girls 'cause at 16 they expect you to watch things that are a little more grown up. but if you like it then you should just keep watching it who care's about what they think but if your on a date i definitely wouldn't recommend it as a topic.  

  3. loser jp i still watch cartoons but not pokemon

    i watch adult swim cartoons pokenmon for 8 year old sorry dude the girls were laughing in there about u  

  4. To the first answer - Pokemon is not just an anime.

    Pokemon kicks ***. There's nothing wrong with liking it. I'm 18 and last year I was the first one in Gamestop get my pre-ordered copy of Pokemon Diamond. I've also found a lot of people don't hate it but just diss it because they think it's what they should do. I keep mentioning how great it is then they will admit to having liked it and still thinking the games are good.

  5. Pokemon is made for smaller children but liking it isn't a crime. But u have to admit, diamond and pearl sucks!

  6. probably because it was a cartoon more directed towards kids because ur supposed to learn a lesson about being a good person and all that stuff also its not very violent so thats one way can tell its for kids it had a good run when it first came out but i think its getting old try moving to something more suited for mature audiences

  7. Pokemon hasn't changed since the day it was first aired. To like it now, especially at the age of 16 isn't a bad thing, but I'd seriously be tempted to sit you down and make you watch something far better and far more suited for your age.

    It was, and still is marketed towards kids, and you can only hear "we're blasting off again" so many times before you want to stab a pencil in one ear, and then stab yourself in the other ear listening to Ash moan on and on about being a Pokemon master and being nice to pokemon when you're not forcing them to fight to the death, capturing them, brainwashing them and forcing them to fight other pokemon to the death.

  8. I suppose some people consider it immature because it's been around for over 10 years, so people link it with their childhood and being a kid. Obviously, it is aimed at kids, so I think this reinforces that opinion in their minds.

    That said, there's nothing wrong with liking Pokemon. I think it's just like you said: "if you like it you're stupid--so you put it down to look badass."  They feel that they've outgrown it, and want to make SURE that no one could accuse them of being "childish." (Which is silly, when you consider how many teens and college students I've seen wearing Eeyore shirts and carrying Tinkerbell purses.)

  9. Original Pokemon is the shhiot man!  I love pokemon too, but the new stuff on cartoon network without brock or misty sucks.  I personally think so.  I liked the teen angst misty brock ash combo.  That's the way to be it.

    ::Novelist Pepper::

  10. It's more of a kids cartoon ^-^

    but i still like it anyway except im 14

  11. I am a fellow Pokemon fan who is above the age of 13. I know exactly how you feel. People always question me why I still like it. From what I understand, people don't hate pokemon, which explains its past popularity, but people are annoyed at the fact its been on for a long time. Most people consider episodes after the Johto saga, trash. It's not bad that you admire and love it as I do, it's just that they expect you to move on. I'm in the same situation. Don't worry though, there are many people out there like you and me. That's why the anime is still on. There aren't enough little kids to keep that show alive. And I am soooo looking forward to Platinum. If convenient to you, keep the fact you like it a secret unless, you have someone you know for sure likes it. BTW I'm about to turn 16. Also, if you wanna tell how much of a fan you are here's a link for a fourm on about how much of a pokemon fan you are:  

    My screennames' MissJaneNY, you can read mine, if you want. And i'm about sure that everyone that posted is at least 14 years and above. You are sooo not alone.  

  12. Like someone has already said that it does'nt changed much from the first episode and the story is just flat and simple from begiinig.its too childish IMO.

  13. I'm 18, so it has been a while since I have heard anyone mention Pokemon as an anime, not a game. 16 is pretty out there, but it isn't stupid. To be honest, I used to be hardcore about it too, until my grandparents told me it was evil incarnate. That was April 1998. I've always been trying to learn and remember everything about the field so I haven't completely dissowned it.

    To answer your questions, I'll start with the first.

    1.No, it is not wrong to like and admire something, it just confuses people when certain things are praised when out of the norm.

    2.No, again, older people, such as my parents are very interested in the art and history of anime. It is a passion that I stand by to this day. And clearly I have never felt better. If that is what you feel about Poke mon, then I wish I could meet someone like you. Unfortunately, you wrote this question because you care what people think.

    3.To answer your last question, people have put down my passion for months, and it just made me happy, because I have something they lack, a calling.

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