
Why is it considered ok to drink animals milk but weird and even disgusting to drink human milk?

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Imagine how much money can women make selling their milk!




  1. even babies don't have quite enough mother milk ,that's why we used cow milk, can't you see you're question go any further beyond that

  2. it is NOT disgusting to drink human milk... Have you never heard of women who breast feed their babies?  Some women DO expell their breast milk to help other women feed their babies...   However, milk is only produced for as long as a formerly pregnant woman expells her milk... once she stops expelling it,  the milk glands dry up and no more milk will be produced until she has another baby...  HOWEVER, if a child continues to breast feed, milk will expell until the child stops breast feeding even if that child is over 5 years OLD.   Society dictates that breastfeeding is completed before a child is usually out of diapers....some earlier... some later.. but a mother's ability is only limited by the fact that if no child is suckling, the b*****s will dry up...

  3. Good point...ESPECIALLY seeing as the only way we get milk from cows is by impregnating them, tearing their babies away from them right after they're born and sending them (calves) off to veal farms where they will be cruelly slaughtered and eaten by people.....disgusting, sadistic and cruel!!!  This happens over and over and over again....once a dairy cow can no longer produce milk it is then slaughtered so people can feed on its flesh.

  4. Probably for similar reasons why it is acceptable to eat other animals, but not to eat humans.

    Plus, you can get bad diseases from cannibalism. Maybe there are diseases that you can get from drinking other human's milk, too.

    I know drugs and medications are passed on through breast milk, so there's probably diseases that transfer in that way, as well.

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