
Why is it dangerous to shower with your contacts in?

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  1. Shower with my contactS?

    Why, I dont think Yahoo Answers would approve of taht.

    lol jk!

    i know your talking about contacts in your eye.

    i have contacts and they say its dangerous because your for some odd reason the contacts can get suction cupped to your eye and wont come off! lol


  2. Probably mostly has to do with water pressure and the condensation. If it gets under the contacts, they will be hard to remove and you will have to so that it clears up, I think.

    I know of a lady who had them in, tried to take them out during a shower, and instead poked some holes in her retina or whichever it is, with her fingernails, and couldn't see well enough to where her husband had to take her to an ER!

  3. Water getting into you eye can contaminate the lenses. Tap water is full of nasty stuff that loves to incubate between your contact lens and your cornea causing infections.

  4. Probably because if you open your eyes your contacts run the risk of falling out and going down the drain.  I shower with my contacts in a lot and just keep my eyes closed.

  5. hahah shower with your

    OK anyways i have no idea i did not know it was

  6. Your HOTT!!!!!!!

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