
Why is it deemed socially unacceptable to be large, or overweight?

by Guest67072  |  earlier

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I'm a healthy weight. But my question is, aside from the poor health, why do people look down on those who are larger?




  1. It is true that being overweigh affects your health. However, this statement is making people believe that all large people are not beautiful and that’s why it is “unacceptable” to be large. If you pay close attention to magazines and the news, the “typical beautiful body” would be, in girls, slim and slender, in guys, tall and muscular. I would like to say that not everybody’s bodies are that way, there are people who are not overweigh but their body shape is large and I believe that it is perfectly fine to be like that. Not being 120 lbs. and having curves is actually more common than having the model type of body, so my advice to all those large people out there is to not be concern because after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. Tell that to the fat cats who own the media. Bunch of self haters. Just stay healthy.

  3. Typically people view it as a sign someone is a glutton and a sloth.

  4. Coz its unhealthy.  

  5. Because most people find thin people more attractive than our friends of larger carriage, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just a matter of personal taste. The problem is that this is society of wusses who can't handle being presented with things they aren't and that they don't like. It never occurs to them to suck it up and accept that there are people who aren't like them and who can't meet their impossible standards.

  6. I saw an interesting documentary about this.

    It depends on the times. There have been a few changes through the 20th century. There is much evidence that proves the following:

    When a country is going through tough times (eg. The Great Depression, WWII), the population is generally underfed and lean. During these times, the pin-up girls of the day had large, full figures. The opposite of the norm. To be well nourished you had to be rich, a sign of status.

    During richer times, like now, "thin is in". The opposite of what the general population looks like. A lean, healthy figure is seen as a cut above the obesity of the general population.

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