
Why is it easier to believe a lie rather than the truth

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Why is it easier to believe a lie rather than the truth




  1. Because sometimes the truth hurts and we dont want to face it.

  2. Because the truth in most cases hurts more then the lie. The lie could make you live in denial longer where as the truth you have to face the situation.

  3. Because 'facts' are different from 'truth.' Facts are incomplete and always changing. Truth is absolute and doesn't change. It takes more effort to search and find the truth. Facts are easily presentable. All lies are based on facts and depend on knowing more of them than the person to whom you are lying. It's easier to lie than learn and follow the truth.  

  4. Usually, it is because the lie is comfortable. It is easier to think Man is self suffecient then to accept the truth that he must rely on others, especially a higher being.

  5. The presentor of a lie presents in such a mesmerising way that one has no choice to believe in his lie. But truth only survives. Lies are short lived.

  6. it's easier to believe what you want to believe than what you don't.

    Often that means you will listen to lies over the truth because it sounds better.

  7. That is an over generalization.  Put your hand in a fire and try to believe the lie that it isn't hot.

  8. may you please answer?

  9. lies save us from the pain the truth creates.

    the truth is usually more cruel than lies.

  10. most people want to believe the lie because of the possible consequences of the truth

    if you understand..

  11. mabey because we don't want to beleive the truth. or, sometimes we're just blind to it and don't see through to the facts.  

  12. People want to hear whats sounds good wether it be a lie or the truth but lies seem to be easier to believe because the simplicity of them and primarily have good news to them truth on the other hand may not be what you want to hear :/

  13. To help us cope with reality. Sometimes it's just easier to believe a lie and deny or repress the truth, especially when there's nothing we can do to better our situation

  14. cause truth is hard to believe but is the truth like God exist but its easyer to believe in a lie that he doesnt and the truth is hard to believe that when faith come in.......

  15. Hello,

    From my view, it is easeir to believe a lie than tell the truth because probably the truth is harder to digest.

  16. Inaccuracies, exaggerations, praises and lies are given or heard much more often than truths. One is so used to hearing such lies that the brain may not be ready  to accept reality or the  truth. This happens often when we praise the beauty or intellect of a female, or lie about something unpleasant or tragic so as not to cause panic or trauma.  

  17. because lies are someones fantasy , the truth is how it is , not always easy to swallow

  18. Some truths are difficult for us to digest so one may prefer to believe the lie rather than truth.

  19. Lies appeal to our better nature and make us feel like everything is alright, which we as flawed humans want.

  20. Because a lie is usually constructed to play upon what we would like something to be. The truth doesn't have that luxury, so it is often less appealing than a lie.

  21. it makes life more interesting although it usually has a backfire on it.

  22. Actually, the reason is not "because truth hurts" (does the truth of gravity hurt to believe in?)

    not "because lies appeal to us and makes us feel like everything is alright" (since when do we like lies? And does the lie: We are all evil monsters, make us feel happier? So, just because it's a lie, doesn't mean it is appealing)

    It is only for this reason: There are infinite numbers of possibilities and only 1 is the truth - the reason the truth is more difficult to believe in is because a) it is less presented b) one believes in what makes sense to one - sometimes background beliefs and knowledge and lack of original introspection influence a person's decisions to the point of blindness.

    So, it is not because we like lies or that truths hurt - rather because the probability of hearing the truth is minute and the fact that we decide what is truth/false based on our previous beliefs which are grounded in parental and social influence.


  24. first of all please put a question mark on the end of your question or else its like your making a statement.

    anyway, imagine how lame our life is now and all people are for it to be easier for us to believe a lie rather than the truth, what does that show?

  25. Because a lie is made up and is most likely what you want to hear so you believe it, The truth is whatever has happened and most of the time isn't what you want to hear.

  26. You only get one shot with the truth. Blow it and it's gone forever.

    We try and make the lies work first because we know we can always find another lie.

  27. Because we all have lies we want to believe and when someone else utters them, we want to believe them.  The truth is frequently unpleasant.

    In the end, the truth is better, but that takes the wisdom of a long life to fully comprehend.

  28. If I allow myself to agree with you, that this is the case, then I would say that it is easier for us to ‘believe a lie’ as a lie has in it for us full certainty of doubt, i.e. the more we believe a lie the stronger would be able to doubt, until we could doubt no more, and at which point the lie would became useless, and will be discarded or forgotten without much ado.

    The truth on the other hand, carries the burden of a doubt, a threat to our believing, unless truth is the absolute truth, but then the fullness of the absolute truth, like the fullness of absolute beauty, is beyond human comprehension. In case of normal instances of normal truth however, we always fear as what if what we believe in is in fact untrue, or what if our knowledge is flawed and information incorrect.

    Besides, the problem is that when we believe in a lie, we allow this to happen or make it happen. We lend our mind to gossips and rumours, and find it easy to believe them, while deep down in the heart of our hearts, we remain unsure. We might have let ourselves into believing something only for a moment, for some purpose or an end in view at that time: fear for instance can become a strong motive for us to end up doing and believing what normally we might not have done or believed, then there is greed and lust, temptations, intimidations, persuasions, coercions and common trends, and all, they all work wonders on our mind, enabling us to believe in astonishingly wide range of incredible things.

    I would say that under normal situations of a health and strong mind, and in the long run for all minds, it turns out to be easier to believe truth. It might be hard to fight temptations, to be impervious to fear and to maintain clarity of understanding, to know truth and to maintain that knowledge, but it is a lot harder to live a lie instead.

  29. It depends on what you want to hear.  A lie is often more palatable than the truth.

  30. Because most people can't handle the truth. When someone tells you a lie it is what you want to hear as it is covering the truth, which then makes it easier and more preferable to believe.  

  31. probably because lies are told to be believable. And sometimes the truth is so outrageous that its unbelievable, but its the truth.

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