
Why is it easier to give advice than to receive it?

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Why is it easier to give advice than to receive it?




  1. Hope... the answer is very simple told by any simple Egyptian in any village,town or city Long time ago...who has his hands in water , is different than who has them in fire,,,,,i think that is the best short answer to your question ....why?because the adviser can see the clear problem ,without the barrier of the fear,as himself, is not afraid, and mostly his advise will not be even correct, or accepted because he/she does not count the fear factor in the problem of the advice receiver,  but the receiver has always the panic, of the situation, and feel the world is collapsing, it is funny that the same adviser would have the same reaction most probably if he/she is in the same shoes of the receiver,  Now , the only One who Knows better is advising us always in most the situation,we take his advises according to how much faith we have on Him  lets take His advices then,,,,,,,I think that is simple enough

  2. It is the human nature ....

    Everyone is busy trying to change the world but noone thinks about changing himself

  3. Coz giving advice makes you feel superior (like you know all the answers).

    Receiving advice makes you feel weak & needy, & nobody likes to be told what to do.

  4. because thir is no responsibilty about what you say and advice it is just talk,,,,,,but when you receive the advice you are obliged to do it

  5. It is easier to tell someone what you think based on your opinion because it is something you have experienced yourself or witnessed firsthand, or you could be subject matter expert on that subject.

    On the other hand, when someone is giving you advice-it is because you are doing something wrong, or backwards or out of the ordinary.  They are giving you advice because they think you could be doing something better or because you asked a question.  And, you may not like what they have to say because they are on the outside looking in on your situation.

  6. I noticed n i don't know why !!!

  7. It 's the human nature .people hate to be judged "even if it was nice and soft ".

    accepting advice needs people to admit that they are wrong .

    accepting advice could make you feel tha you are led .giving advice could make youn feel that you leed.

    that's some reasons not all

  8. because when you give an advice you think clearly and in a neutral way so the advice seems very easy to follow but to receive it means you are biased to something and deep inside you know you should take the advice but hard to do that as it conflicts with your own desire..i guess!

  9. b-cause its not easy 2 trust anyone so that u could recieve an advice from them and work with it ... the only ones whom u gotta recieve the advice from them and be sure its the best for u are ur parents ..=)

  10. Because we all believe that in some way or the other, we are Mr/s Philosophical and giving advice satisfies this belief, but receiving advice brings us back to the reality that there are others besides us and who unfortunately might be right, while we were wrong.  The result is great disillusionment & deception.

  11. first of all what a great question !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    maybe it's easier cz we don't live in that sitiuation but if we're in it's hard to decide

  12. Because the advice giver doesn't have to act on it....

  13. interesting, never thought about it in-depth.  maybe cuz it is easier to if it relates to you in any manner, or if it interests you in anyway,  if any of these happen than ussaully it will be easier to think about the advise and listen to it.    trust me as you get older advise becomes easier and helps you more, unless your just not going to listen to it.

  14. Because it is easier to speak than to listen.

  15. Sometimes advice can be perceived as criticism, & none of us like to think we are getting it wrong.

    Giving it is easier, as we all like to think we are helping others by our experiences.

  16. easier said than done .

    this is a motto which explains the wisdom that we say things easier than doing something to correct a situation.

    bla bla bla is so easy !

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