
Why is it easier to make a mistake and harder to do the right thing?

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The universe making us learn the value of what we do?




  1. I think our social conditioning  makes it so

    - When you can get the other side of the looking glass where there is no right and wrong - everything just is choice it becomes easier to do the human thing and to learn because that is more exciting. there is no pressure either way you are free to choose to act well.

    it s only hard when we do it kicking and screaming and have ego behind us crying - shame on you! etc.

    I think now that mistakes are never mistake sin retrospect if the led to learning and change.

  2. Yeah, I think that you have the right idea in what you are saying :) Also I think to do the right thing a lot of the time means we have to put aside our selfish self centred attitude and see how we can help every one :) I hope this helps you :)x

  3. For most people it is better to tell a lie and make people smile than to tell the truth and make people cry...

    Lets just say that it is hard to ask for forgiveness

    but easy to lie

    Sometimes because of the life status of a person he/she makes a bad decision and it is usually hard to correct our mistakes and because we know that the person that we hurt will not forgive right away...

  4. is it as simple as there's many more wrong ways?

    We learn what to value so we can get the right one sometimes!

  5. Doing the "right thing" depends on knowing all the details of a situation and not maing any mistakes in the process of reasoning as to the likely consequence of one's decision. It also depends on not letting emotional factors overly influence the decision. All of these confound the decision as to what is "right." Since none of these factors cannot be precisely controlled, etc., any behavior or decision has a higher probability of making a mistake than being perfect.

  6. First, if you believe that, it will keep you from doing the right thing. Justifications will then come easy.

    The universe is your true Self. The mirror of your being and your being are one and the same.

    So when you love the universe/God you are loving yourself... it has to be. In a state of love, you can't make mistakes and there are no secrets.

  7. Making mistake are far-far easier, then doing the right thing...

  8. no it is easier to do good thing ...

    i find it difficult to commit mistakes or at least i know it is a mistake ..

  9. because there are hundred ways of doing something wrongly but only one way of doing it right. so statistically speaking the chance of somebody doing something wrongly is higher than doing it right.

  10. Because mistake need not acquire proper rules or stressing discipline. The right thing requires a lot of control and discretion..

    Which do we find  much easier then?

    We almost need not even think when we do mistakes.

    While doing the right thing makes us feel inhibited at times.

    The universe only gives us a chance from what we may learn.

    The hope of filling the disgraces of errors.

    Then each purpose in our seeking.

    From the right and the wrong things in life.

  11. It's not so much that it's easy to make a mistake - mistakes are just an unavoidable part of life, but each mistake that we make is a learning experience.  Ideally, we look at the mistake, take what we need from it and move on.

    This is why the expression, "With age, comes wisdom", because simply, the older you are, frankly you've just made and recovered from more mistakes :).  This is not such a bad thing, as long as you keep learning and you don't keep repeating the same ones.  

    As for the second half of your question, here in lies the rub... Why is it hard to do the right thing?  Because the right thing is usually not the easy way out.  It usually shows character and strength to do the right thing and the easy way out, well... karma finds you in the end and when the universe comes around to smack you, it's not pretty...

    Life isn't supposed to be easy... when you make a mistake, instantly do the right thing - bravely own up to it, correct it, learn from it and move on and though it wasn't easy, it is more rewarding and it serves to make your road easier later.

  12. same reason people dont behave like they worry about why they cant leave a planet that is mostly complainable!

    you make do with what you get and you reflect what kinda manner you show respect!

  13. The universe has no power here, you decide. If you make a mistake and learn the lesson, if you pay attention to your choices you will stop repeating the mistake and do the right thing. Until then you will keep making the same mistakes because you need to fall down a million holes before you realise you will choose not to walk down the street with holes in it anymore.

  14. Anyone can make a mistake in life, doing what you know is the right thing, is not always so easy to do. It depends on your conscience, your view of justice and fairness and admitting to yourself what is the right thing to do...

  15. "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."

    1 John 5:19

  16. because thats life.. thats what all the people sayyyyyyyyyy... d**n u made me break out in song... =D

  17. That's so true. Suppose that's life

  18. I'm teaching my kids to think one step ahead.what are the possible scenarios?If you can master that you'll have to apologize alot less.

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