
Why is it easier to solve someone else's problems, while your own seems to be too complicated and difficult?

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  1. B/c its easier to give advice then it is to take it...

  2. Your problems are always right there in your face. When you solve others problems you can take a step back and evaluate the situation.

  3. Because you have an emotional involvement in your own problems and you don't/can't see things clearly and in proper perspective.  You could have a problem with your boyfriend and be totally confused and devestated by it.........but if a casual friend had that exact same problem with her boyfriend, you would be able to sit and tell her exactly what was wrong and what should be done!  Why?  Because you can look at her situation calmly, without emotional involvment, without picking sides, etc.and see logically what the problem is and how to fix it.

  4. You are more emotionally involved with your problems and less objective. You will also have a tendency to be more critical and less forgiving of yourself. With a friend you feel empathy and compassion, with yourself you feel doubtful and critical. Give yourself a break treat your problems the same way you treat a friends. Pretend to be the third party, eliminate the emotion and focus on the facts, be objective, fair and non-critical. Often time it works well if you write down your feelings, thoughts and problems as well as possible solutions. Your emotions won't transfer to the paper and it will help you to objectively review your options and make a good decision. Make a decision to problem solve and refuse to emotionally badger yourself. You can be a passenger in life or you can be the driver. It really is a matter of choice.

    Good Luck. Make your life what you want it to be. Take the steps necessary to make it good, healthy and happy. BE THE DRIVER.

  5. Someone elses life is most likely just as complicated and difficult as yours, but as an outside, you can give advice objectively, and rationally without any real emotion or attatchment involved, when it's your own life, you have emotions and attachments and biases that effect your ability to see clearly or rationally sometimes.

  6. Its because of the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words."

    When solving someones else problem, you only need to tell them what to do and you, yourself just look at how they do. Like me, I just posted an answer on a question regarding to breaking off with a boyfriend. I type the answer easily but when it comes to doing it, it is hard. But don't use this as an excuse to refuse to listen to anyone sorrow or problems.

  7. I don't think we really are better at solving other people's problems. I think it just seems that way. Ultimately, we are left with our own issues to resolve... and over time, when we do resolve them, that's when we have truly accomplished something great!

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