
Why is it easier to tear a paper towel when its wet?

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thats a good question!




  1. It's easy either way.

  2. As the paper absorbs the water, the fibers which are not woven but rather pressed together are lifted away from each other.

    How's that sound? I'm just pulling that one out of my____. I really have no clue.

  3. Because its made of paper!!!

  4. It depends on the paper towel. The ones with fiber are harder to tear.

  5. Duh Because it's wet

  6. wow... how literal u want?

    ... water (H2O) soaks in the paper towel giving it more mass.  With the addition of hydrogen it forms a chemical reaction causing the paper towel to no longer link as strongly.

    p.s. I totally made this up but I thought long and hard!

  7. Fibers are weakened by the water. They loose there tensile.

  8. yup

  9. Because it's moist?

  10. I think Miss Metro has the right idea.  The only thing that keeps the paper fibers from coming apart are chemical bonds.  The application of water likely dissolves some of the bonding agent, so less force is needed to break the bonds.

  11. less friction

  12. GO CELTICS, boston rules the world in sports this year!

  13. Drying the paper out, was the last step in the paper making process, you are simply going backwards in the final process of solidification, hence it becomes less solid

  14. What a soggy question. Maybe it's not actually easier. I mean it takes some effort to tear even a wet paper towel.

  15. Well the water wets the surfce of the paper, because of it low viscosity, when the paper gets wet it loses its strength, so it dosent matter you apply shear or tensile forces, it tears off...

  16. because god made it that way

  17. Because the water disolves the "glue" that holds the paper together.

  18. why cant humans just know it happens why do we always need to know how... just believe!!!

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