
Why is it essential for the chromosomes to replicate before cell division?

by Guest64916  |  earlier

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I need to answer this question for my biology teacher, and i just can't seem to work out why...

I think it has something to do with the fact that incase one doesn't work out the other 'cell' (after division) has the chance of being grown into a baby..

but, i'm still not sure.




  1. When the cell divides each new cell formed must receive a copy of each chromosome so that they have the correct genetic code for the synthesis of proteins.

    Hope this helps!.

  2. Chromosomes need to replicate so that when the cell divides, it creates four (4) daughter cells. If in the beginning the chromosomes do not replicate, then after they split there will only be two daughter cells, where there have to be four. Also, each daughter cell has a haploid number of chromosomes, that is, half the number of chromosomes as the parent. Just a little extra if your interested, each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, but during fertilisation, they obtain the other half from the other parent.

  3. so that there are an equal # of chromosomes in each cell.

  4. So that there will be genetic material for both of the new daughter cells.

    You mentioned 'a baby'. Find out if you are required to explain mitosis or meiosis.

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