
Why is it even called fast food ????

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Lordddddddddddddd help me i wet thru harveys today riiight got my self a hot dog which was nasty !!!

and i had to wait in my car for it for like 10 minutes now some one please tell me why do we call it fast food when we wait for ever ...........i really dont even like it that much but if im gunaeat it make it fast dang !!




  1. It is called "Fast Food" not "instant food". If you don't want to wait in line you can always cook your own food. People that work in fast food places work their butts off and it is people like you that make it a sh** job.

    Like the one person said: You probably lost track of time. I had someone last week say "We've been waiting for 10 minutes Can we have a free apple pie" I looked at their receipt and said "No, I told you we were waiting for your McChicken and they take almost 4 minutes to cook and your order was placed at 11:39, and it is only 11:42 right now. People are under the impression that all fast food workers are stupid and lazy and that is not the case. We do know how to read and can tell time. Quit being rude to the people that make your food. Do you really want to be that rude to someone that is preparing your food? Think about that next time you are waiting in line!

  2. BECAUSE it's food that you get FAST!


  3. I think when they say "Fast Food", they are basing it on the faster then cooking at home procedure, not how "fast" you go threw the drive through. I hope my answer helps you sleep better tonight! :)

  4. Fast Food - Makes you die quicker.

  5. Well fast food is not what it used to be.  Several years ago there were several sandwiches pre-made so they could just grab what was ordered, bag it, and get the customer out the door.

    Today sandwiches are made to order.  Occasionally extra sandwiches get made and we (McDonald's) are allowed to hold them for sale for 5 minutes after that we have to throw them out.  This is why it takes longer now a days.  

    However I agree with you that 10 minutes is a long time to wait.  Please keep in mind though that as hard as we try we do run out of food sometimes especially if there are big orders.  I've never heard of a Harvey's so I don't' know what kind of food they have.  At McDonald's we have chicken products.  The Crispy Chicken/Selects take a little over 6 minutes to cook so a person waiting on something like that could easily be sitting for a while waiting on their food.

    I had a situation once where one order took 3 20 piece nuggets which wiped us out completely.  Guess what the next order was?  Nuggets.  The second order had to wait while more cooked.  In that kind of a situation there's not much else we can do except make sure the customer knows why they are waiting so long.

    Sorry for your bad experience and I hope I have helped you some.

    Have a good day!!!

  6. its faster than a sit down restaurant. where you have to wait to sit, get your drink order then the food order. and you still have to get the food. then again, you can get take out from a restaurant and could be fast-er.

  7. Nowday people are complaining that fast food not very good for our health so maybe they already change their policy from fast food to "not so fast food"!!

  8. Sometimes there are vaious reasons for things. I would advise you to meditate. Now fast food - that's a whole 'nother world. I have a mental deficiency. But I can tell you one thing, you clergyman is your best source! I was deformed, so I mutilated my deformities! Hot dog! Hot dog! npw that's a fine specimen. And what do yu think, Lord Tregunter? What do you think?

  9. The Drive thru i use is pretty fast! under a couple minutes! "McDonalds" from ordering to window only thing have to wait say 5 minute to get up to box! Jack in the box the slowest about 10 minute from Box to window!

  10. I went to dinner the other night. It took almost 45 minutes to get food. It was not a fast food joint. that's the difference. But wow 10 minutes is on the long side. will make sure i don't get a hot dog at Harvey's

  11. 10 minutes is not that long. Stop bit*hing and complaining about  how much time it takes to cook the d**n meal. If it was under cooked, you'd be crying about how they caused you food poisoning. You're an adult (and I use that term loosely) who has the choice to make a purchase between Subway or it's competition. Obviously you chose Subway. It takes time to prepare foods. Accept that and move on. It's not that Subway is a bad company. They just want to make sure your food is prepared PROPERLY.

  12. its called fast food because you are supposed to get it fast and eat it fast.Unlike your story,i think maybe you lost track of time that you forgot you were waiting a short time.Instead you start complaining.So,technically its not anyones fault,but yours!

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