
Why is it everyone thinks their child is a genius?

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I love kids to death but why is it everyone thinks they have a mini-Einstein? a teacher tells them their 5 year old is a great student and it's like "OH MY GOD, LITTLE BILLY IS SO SMART, HIS TEACHER DOESN'T KNOW HOW HE'S SO SMART! I MEAN IT'S AMAZING.. AT THAT AGE WOW!!"

or the kid figures out how to turn on an Xbox and suddendly that means he's gonna be a physicist.




  1. Lol i couldnt agree more with you.. I think my 2 yr 3month old is smart...she will tell me a whole story, last night my sister inlaw was over and my daughter said don't forget your unbrella' the sister inlaw said yeah i know babe it's raining... my daughter said 'no it's pouring'...... but when i was at the hospital the other day for my pregnancy check up this little boy about the same age had me gob smacked... He was pointing out blocks that had the alphabet and numbers on it and saying what it is.. and you could tell this kid was smart... Smarter than any kid i've ever looked after or met under 5yrs old.. and this little boy was about 2yrs old.

  2. I don't THINK my oldest child is a genius...I KNOW she is, she is a member of MENS and her IQ is 165.

  3. because, when u have a child they mean the world to u and every little thing they do is like a miracle. u cant under stand to u have a child, or if u have maybe u just realize that it is great they r learning but they still have a long ways to go. it differs on the parent, but even thow children are born every day it is still a miracle and watching them grow up is just so wonderful!

  4. Since most parents say that wit their first born, they don't know how smart there kid is because they cant compare him to someone else. They don't have enough experience. My parents never said I was anything special, but I turned out to be the smartest one in my whole 50 person family!

  5. because everyone loves their child so much and  love to brag about their childs accomplishments. Nothing wrong with that. Its amazing and wonderful to see your children learning and doing so much.

    Everyone loves to brag on their kids!

  6. It's God's way of keeping us from killing them when they get on our nerves. And almost every child is a braniac in some area.

  7. ahhh I wish my mom thought I was a genius, or even that I was smart...but she doesnt so oh well

  8. I call it the "best dog syndrome". Everyone likes to think whatever they have is better than the exact same thing someone else has. Of course YOUR kid is so much smarter than your friend's kid even though they are in the very same class and get the same grades. Or if the grades differ, YOUR kid can run faster, hit a ball better, etc.

    It's a mental quirk I first noticed when working for a race horse stable. At the track, EVERY person at a particular barn was sure that THEIR horse would win it's race ! My mentor pointed this out to me early on. She only bet animals she thought had merit, whether she owned it or not. Needless to say, she was very well off financially. It's a mental trap to be avoided.

  9. Haha, my parents just thought I was "normal", and a teacher even told them I needed extra help, turns out I needed to be in a more advanced class and was taking college classes in middle and high school. My inlaws think that all of their kids are so smart, and only 2 of them graduated high school, and with D's and C's only.

  10. I know my kids are pretty much average... But I know they are all very smart in their own ways.

    Although my middle daughters teacher has always said she is top of the class. She does her work and then helps her classmates when they have questions about how to do things.

    I don't think it makes her an Einstein.... but  certainly gives her a good boost in school.

  11. Good question.  All parents are proud of their children.  Just smile and nod.  It's what I have to do with my sister in law when she raves about how her 5 year old can count to 100 and this makes her a superior preschooler :)

  12. at 6 my son is very smart, he is reading, writing, adding, subtracting, he is going into the first grade in the fall, I am amazed at what he knows, I have been teaching him some spanish and french words as well, for the record he could probably play the PS3 as well as alot of grown ups I know

  13. LOL I know exactly what you mean. The tricky part is to get your childs confidence up without making them believe they are better then others.

  14. The truth is that kids are smart.  If adults learned as much in a month as even the "average" kid learns in a single day, we'd have solved all the world's problems by now.  It's hard for adults (who learn a little, slowly) not to be impressed with kids (who learn a lot, fast, even if they're wholly typical kids).

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