
Why is it fairly common for cars to get around 50 mpg in europe?

by  |  earlier

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But not in America?




  1. Very small displacement diesel engines. The majority of those cars have manual transmissions. Their cars are also very small too.

  2. As I remember fuel is sold by the Liter in Europe, the British use what is known as the British Gallon (0.833) US gallon.

    The US gallon is equal to 3.875 liters. So you do the conversion but you can't compare apples and oranges as the old saying goes.

  3. Install a HHO gas kit and double your mpg.

  4. A lot of small cars and 60% of cars sold in Europe are diesels.

  5. because the majority of cars runn on diesel. plus, go to paris and u will se smart fortwos going around everywhere. i even heard that in some city, i forget which one, they are using priuses as taxis

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