
Why is it funnier for a guy to dress like a girl than it is for a girl to dress like a guy?

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Why is it funnier for a guy to dress like a girl than it is for a girl to dress like a guy?




  1. It's not funny at all it's stupid.

  2. guy to dress like girl

  3. because girls can dress like guys and it be normal.

  4. Patriarchal society has usually let men get away with wearing more practical clothing, whilst forcing women to wear clothing that hides their figure the most.  Therefore, current men's fashion isn't radically different from what it was 200 years ago.

    When the first women who thought that long dresses were extremely cumbersome decided to wear trousers, they were mocked incessantly.  But now, society is used to women wearing what is traditionally considered men's clothes.

    Men, since they've been wearing the more comfortable outfits all along, have no real reason to want to wear dresses and high heels.  They are, however, increasingly doing more things that were once considered feminine:  Shaving (besides the face), makeup, skin conditioners, etc.  The first men to embark on this fashion statement were mercilessly lampooned, much like the first women to wear pants.  As it caught on, it ceased to be a source of amusement and became more accepted.  In the same way, if men did start to decide to wear skirts and pumps en-masse, it wouldn't be as humorous after a few years of being exposed to it.

  5. please dont tell me thats what your planning to do???

  6. Because it's the way people were brought up andhow they foresee men...

  7. Guys don't normally wear dresses, once someone in school did and people laughed and made fun of him. It is just uncommon. Would you think it would be funny to see a guy in a skirt spreading his legs wide, not that funny.

  8. there is nothing funnier than a beer guzzling hairy truck driver wearing a short sequin dress, stockings and high heels.

  9. Just the way people see it.

  10. Believe me.. it's a lot more funny to be a girl and see a guy dress like a girl.. than it would be for a guy to see a girl dress like a guy.. the joke is on the guys who dress up as girls... xx

  11. do you really need this question answered? come on, its funny seeing a bloke dressed like a bird, but seeing a girl wearing trousers and shirt...... boring

  12. Is this considered talking to myself? The answer is people always think it is funny when i wear a dress.

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