
Why is it good feelings come from bad things?

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for example drinking beer make us feel good but drinking is bad. can you think of other things that give good feelings but are bad for us?




  1. A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he'll feel worse when he feels better.

  2. anything excessive is bad.

  3. Because your mind has been programmed to think that way.  Don't worry about it.  Have a beer.

  4. Staying up late in an Internet Shop that experience tells me is where some people can turn violent, especially when crowded with all sort of expatriates, smoking while drinking Coke, and answering a question on what bad things gives us good feelings, is kinda bad for my health - but hey!  It makes me feel good!

  5. Drinking beer or smoking does not even come half way to the feelings experienced by a murderer just as when he drives the knife deep into his victim's eyes.  The feel of one intoxicated by success, gratification and perverted sense of enjoyment at the sight of his victim squirming and squealing with tremendous pain.  Now, does that make us all feel good?

  6. That whole "bad things" is a concept brought on by the Catholic church and other religious zealots.  Its been over used to manipulate people with guilt for hundreds of years.  You can sit in a corner and shiver in fear over what might happen to your dead spirit in the hereafter or, you can live your life and not buy in to all that voodoo c**p.  We all have our own conscience awarded to us by God Himself.  We don't really need any interpreters to explain to us whats good or bad according to THEIR rules.

  7. Drinking beer (Pee) doesn't do anything for you except probably give you liver complications. This question varies from individual and how you live your life. I run 2 miles a day and it makes me feel good and that's not a bad thing. Someone needs to check their priorities.

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