
Why is it good to recycle?

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Why is it good to recycle?




  1. Recycling is like saving. Both result in more wealth, less spending, and less waste. Recycling is not always less expensive but it still makes sense to conserve all our resources. Many items may not even be of value now, but may have great value in the future. Look at the prices of metals for instance, recycling cooper was considered a waste of time just 10 years ago. Just think of the resources we could develop if everyone in the U.S. recycled, composted kitchen waste, and accepted minimal packaging for consumer goods. I find it is easy to recycle and I get a sense that I am doing something good for the environment and my pocket book at the same time.

  2. Cause you get money back....and it helps the poor fish in the sea

  3. Recycling helps to keep excess junk out of landfills.


  5. Often it is not good to recycle.

    First you have to understand how money works. Everything costs money. It takes labor, resources, and energy to manufacture and distribute things like bottles and and paper, etc. The cost to recycle most materials is higher than just throwing them away and making new ones. It's around 3 times as expensive to recycle trash as it is to dump in a landfill. That's because it takes more labor, resources, AND ENERGY, to recycle them.

    One exception is aluminum. Because it is much easier to turn old cans into new ones, a scrap yard will pay you for them. It saves energy and natural resources. That's how money works. Extra trucks to pick up recyclables, sorting, cleaning, processing, and transporting all use energy. If recycling saved resources and energy it would save money too, not cost more.

    Second, we are not running out of landfill space. There is plenty of room to store our trash for over a thousand years. If by that time we haven't figured out how to use new materials and effectively recycle old ones, we are truly lost.

    Efforts should be placed on reducing the amount of trash we generate. Kids' toys are a great example, the packaging weighs more than the toy. If we use safe biodegradable materials we can safely landfill them.

    Here's the best part, organic (biodegradable) material in a landfill causes active decomposition which produces methane gas. Methane is an energy gas. Large landfills are today capturing this gas and are using it to generate electricity. It's a free source of an energy gas. More biodegradable material means more beneficial landfills.

    And methane works very well in a fuel cell. It's almost as good as hydrogen. The emissions are not as clean, but still quite good, and it's very significantly less expensive.

    Paper is among the worst to recycle. Cleaning and processing old paper is bad for the environment, hauling, shredding, and strong chemicals used to remove inks. Then you have to dispose of the used chemicals and ink solution.  Virtually all, near 100%,  of pulp for paper comes from trees grown on tree farms. We grow trees to make paper just like growing lettuce to make salad. When you use paper you are placing an order for new trees to be planted. Paper is in effect renewable. It decomposes and turns into fertilizer, good for planting trees.

  6. have you lived in a cave , what do you think ,common sense should answer this one for you

  7. Save the environment. Limit resources consumption. We cannot continue to extract certain materials because they are limited. Also the energy requirements for extractions, refinement, treatment and packaging is alot higher than energy requirements for recycling. Recycling is often cheaper than extracting and processing right from the beggining.

  8. Nature recycles. You want to be wise in your use of resources. Study natural things. Wastewater from you contains mostly water. That's because your body only eliminates things it is done with and passes some water to flush out toxins. But, nature takes those toxic things and reuses them.

      All the water ever made is still on the planet. That water you are drinking passed through many kidneys and down many streams to get back to where you found it. Perfectly safe for you to drink now that it has been recycled.

  9. It is good to recycle becuase it makes less people creating plastic and other materials like metal. Which uses less energy. It is also good because it reduces the problems that animals get. It may aslo reduce the animals in threatend lists, or endangered lists. It is also good because it makes a better view for the parks. It is also good because the fish wont be eaten things causing them to die. The more people recycle the cheaper stuff get. Recycling helps familys save money. Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees, which is really good. When we recycle a glass bottle, it is enough to light a light bulb for 4 hours. Recycling prevents habitat distruction, loss of biodiversity ans soil erosion assosiated with mining. The website on the Know your source has 20-25 more facts that could really help you

    Hope I answered your question good.

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