
Why is it hard for people to understand that you would rather stay home with your children rather than go???

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To a nightclub? My husband keeps pressuring me to go out. We already went out yesterday, I don't think it would help my childrens emotional developement if their mother was at nightclubs every weekend..




  1. I agree... I was the same way... I did not want to be away from my children the whole entire weekend... after being out you know you want to sleep til noon the next day or later and I always was the one who had to go get the kids and the daddy could lay around all day.

    I eventually left the marriage and the crowd we hung with behind and when I see them all now(25 years have gone by) I am like... really got my sh*t together... successful and they are still wallering in the same things they were doing then... hurray for me!!!

    hang in the:-)))

  2. Some people can juggle night life and kids, some people don;t even want to and shouldn't be pressured to.

  3. Maybe he misses the freedom of not having children, of being able to go out every night if he wants to.  

  4. Evidentally your husband needs to realize that partying on a daily basis is not how parenting works...There are all kinds of things that could happen while the baby is with someone else and both of you are out partying... that was/is a chance I was never willing to take. I have a 4 yr old daughter and a 1 yr old daughter and almost 9 months pregnant with our third and while everyone else was out partying and living it up (so to speak) I just wanted to stay home with my girls. I let my hubby go out when he wanted to(just not ALL the time) and I stayed home and we were both pretty happy with the situation.

    Some people just don't grasp the parent lifestyle as quickly as the others and while your hubby may be wanting to go out all the time(maybe because he feels he is getting old now that he has a baby) you want to stay at home with the baby...

    I personally was never one for partying all the time anyway so it wasn't expected of me to go out after my girls were born...but just take this as you brother in law and his girlfriend have a 5 yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter and everysince their son was 1 they have gone out every weekend and been gone almost all day everyday(not working...just out bullshitting around) and their kids NOW and THEN would rather be around someone else then their own parents...h**l they don't even know what size clothes or diapers their son and daughter are in(diapers for the daughter)...they missed almost all their "firsts" and just now are starting to regret it...

    If you want to stay home with your children then by all means DO one should tell you otherwise or make you feel that its wrong to stay home with them instead of going out.

    Best of Luck

  5. I would LOVE to go out dancing!! Maybe I will sometime in the next.. oh... 10 years? 15?

    *Edit ~ Why the thumbs down?? I was kind of joking around. Maybe I should have been more specific. I used to love going out dancing at nightclubs. Now that I have a 7month old baby I never go out and that is fine with me. I am a stay at home mom and I was just saying maybe in 10 or 15 years because I am sure she will be staying a night or two over at a friend's house by then. It's late and I guess I was assuming people could read my mind or something. I really don't like getting thumbs down.

  6. i think its alright to go out on occasion. but, you are doing the right thing. you obviously are thinking of your children first, try to explain it to your husband so he understands how you feel. if you did that already, tell him you arent going thats final and if he wants to go then he can go he is a grown man and can make decisions by himself whether it be good or bad ones. maybe it will weight on his conscience after

  7. You are right...tell your husband to step up and be a better father figure....every once in a while is ok, but over and over is pretty immature for a parent.

  8. You know what's best for you.  Don't listen to anyone else.  I have a hard time going to the library for a couple hours without my son.  Can't imagine having a good time at a night club when my little boo is at home sleeping and all I want to do is snuggle with him.  I'd rather dance with my handsome little man than with the slobs that go to nightclubs.

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