
Why is it hard for some people to forgive each other?

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Why is it hard for some people to forgive each other?




  1. they mabi were hurt badly by the person and just dont want to go through it again! it happens to alot of ppl!

    <3 erin

  2. It's hard because some people get it in their heads that hanging on to the wounds and the resentment is more important than getting on with life.

    Forgiveness is a choice, pure and simple.  It has nothing to do with the other party; it only benefits the person doing the forgiving.

  3. Sometimes you're just not sorry.

  4. Because they're afraid to get hurt.

  5. it depends on how big the crime was, i guess.

    personally, i think it's just hard to forgive because it's even harder to FORGET.  

  6. It is basically because some people have the weakness of holding on to an offence for too long. Try not attaching too much meaning to offences and you will find it easier to forgive.

  7. It is hard  for some to forgive ,as a hurt means a trust between two people have been broken.It shakes a person to know they have been wronged, If you hold on to unforgiveness, you hold your own self into an emotional "bondage'.Your mind is always being nagged by the situation of being wronged.When you forgive , the first person released is yourself,and you can begin to heal from the hurt. Also, to show compassion and forgive can remind us that we will need others' peoples fogiveness too.Also, when we refuse to forgive, we allow anothers actions to hold us in their power.Take your "power" back and be forgiving.You will be happier if you are a forgiving person.

  8. because some ppl mistake being forgiven as a pass for them to be allowed to do the same deed again. although forgiveness is for you and not them, it's still hard to do it. especially when you are hurt.

  9. because theyre afraid it will happen again and they dont trust each other nor accept their flaws.

    i hate people who dont know how to forgive someone . :( it hurts.  

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