
Why is it hard it say no??????

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its really hard for me to say no to every one who ask me anything....




  1. it's hard to say "NO" when u like to say ":YES" but u can't!

    It's easy to say "NO" when u like to .....

  2. Could you loan me a couple hundred dollars?

    Can I come stay in your house for the next 12 months?

    Can I borrow your car?

    Will you pay my bills for a month?

    Will you loan me your computer?

    Is it really that hard?

  3. Itz not hard to say no, itz hard when u don want to say no to whom the question asked. I don thnk so there z need to explain why u don want to say no becoz u may b the gud 1 :)

  4. Are you serious?

    (Your answer won't be a No this time... See, it's easy)

  5. Physically, it's because, in the speech of a standard English speaker - both British and American - the word "no" engages more muscles and involves more mouth movement than the word "yes". This is fact.

  6. Why exactly is it hard? Are you afraid of displeasing others? Because you shouldn't, just don't worry about your answer, just let what you're feeling come out (as long as it doesn't involve biting the other person's head off and screaming at them).

  7. I know for me its also hard to say no.

    you can just say, “I’m sorry. I can't do this right now.”

    use a sympathetic, but firm tone. If pressured as to why, reply that it doesn’t fit with your schedule, and change the subject. Most reasonable people will accept this as an answer, so if someone keeps pressuring you, they’re being rude, and it’s OK to just repeat, “I’m sorry, but this just doesn’t fit with my schedule," and change the subject, or even walk away if you have to.

  8. although you may think your being nice and everyone likes you

    its although there just walking all over you

    you need to be able to draw a line to what you will and wont say to ppl

    for example its okay to fill in someone shift at work once or twice but when they ask you to do it more than that for stupid reasons u have to say no

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